16. If This Was A Movie

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***LIZZY's P.O.V***

I never would've thought that a girl like me would be acting like a love sick puppy. A few months ago I was the one being grossed out by my older kissing a girl; but now I'm the one doing all the kissing.

Malcom had been gone for almost 2 months and we'd been calling each other or texting everyday ever since he left. But it still feels too sad to not have him by my side. Exactly what I said, acting like a love sick puppy.

When the only serious couple in the house was 'Chaylor', things weren't so bad. I never felt alone or single. I always had Liz or Kirstie to socialize with. Now that they're all in relationships, I'm left to think of all my troubles by myself. I decided to do some studying before school tomorrow.


I woke up early the next morning and went to school. Had you come to my school way back and asked anyone about me, they'd be like, "WHO?" with the most confused face ever. But after my fifteenth birthday, I am one of the most popular girls in school.

"Hi," I said to a girl who was greeting as she was passing by my locker. Annabel came and we were just talking about random stuff when the bell rang. I noticed that she was looking rather drained and her eyes were hollow. "What's up?" I asked her. "Nothing..." she said looking away- something she always did when she was lying. I decided not to pry and just give her time. She'd tell me when she was ready.

I had a long day at school so when I got home I threw my bag and decided to take an afternoon nap. I was still enjoying my beauty sleep when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily.

"Li-Lizzy..." the person on the other end said, "I can't do this anymore!"

"What's wrong? Ann?" I could hear she's been crying. "I'm coming over okay?"

She sniffed and then let out a soft and faint laugh. "You didn't just nod, did you?" She laughed a little and we hung up.

I asked Chase to drop me off at her house and he agreed without any hesitations, wow. Inside Ann's room, it looked like a pig sty. She was wearing old worn out shorts and a big band t-shirt. Her hair looked like a bird had moved in with its whole family.

"Ann what's going on with you? You've always been a neat-freak! What is this mess? Are you okay?" I was freaking out. Ann didn't reply and simply looked outside her window. She tried to tie her hair backwards and while she was doing it, I saw her wrists. They looked red with dark lines spread painfully across. I'd seen pictures of this in magazines but seeing it in reality was really scary. My best friend was cutting.

She realized that I had noticed when I gasped and looked away guiltily. "Why?" I asked her. "Why'd you do it?" She looked at her arms, full of regret. "Lizzy it gets lonely. Cutting kind of helps forget..."

"But doesn't it hurt, though?" I asked.

"It does. But you learn to live with the pain; mostly your broken heart."

I couldn't stand seeing my best friend looking this vulnerable.

"Why don't you talk about it? Tell me all about it, now," I demanded.

Ann took a while but she finally managed to tell me everything. She was very lonely at home because her mom spent all her time with her new boyfriend and flat-out ignored her. Whenever she tried telling her mom anything, she would either get interrupted by the boyfriend or her mom would go and leave her alone. On top of it all, she had found out that this boyfriend that her mom spent so much time on, wasn't as loyal as her mom thought. The one time when she was alone, she found a blade and tried cutting her wrists just so she could feel some other pain other than loneliness, and soon enough it was a habit. A bad habit.

By the time Annabel finished telling me all of this, I was in tears and holding her tightly. It hurt me that I hadn't noticed the happy-go-lucky Annabel slowly turn into a walking zombie. The worst thing was that I could have helped it; but I didn't.

After making Ann feel better and talk her into never cutting herself again, I felt a bit better about myself too. She threw away the blade and promised she'd talk to her mom about it. She also promised to call me every time she felt like cutting. After that long and tiring day, I went back home.


"Are you sure about this?" I asked my brother, "I am not going through all of this to have you mess it up." "Yes," he replied, "I'm sure I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, that's why I'm doing this." We went through the plan one more time before I called Taylor.

"Hi Tay," I said when she answered, "Annabel and I are having lunch somewhere and I need you to drive me there..."

"Yes please..."

"It's a fancy restaurant so please dress nicely..."

"So? I do not want to be dropped off by my granny..."

"Alright then..."

"See you in 30..."

"Bye..." I hung up.

I looked at my brother with the 'you-owe-me-big-time' look.

After 30 minutes, Tay arrived at my house and we drove off to the fancy restaurant on the other side of town where my brother was busy trying to be play Mr. Romantic. When we got to the restaurant, I told Taylor to go in with me just in case Annabelle wasn't there and I'd have to wait alone. She laughed and called me a bully, but came in nonetheless.

We sat there for a few minutes until I told her I needed to go to the rest rooms and if Ann came, she must tell her to wait. That was when I noticed my brother and knew it was time. I walked to a seat far enough to be able to watch the scene unfold.

The music started playing one of those soppy songs and Chase walked in wearing a tux. He looked hideous and I wanted to laugh; but I didn't. Taylor was looking at her phone and only looked up when she felt everyone's eyes on her. Chase stood in front of her and then went on one knee. Taylor's hands flew to her mouth.

"Taylor Alison Swift. Ever since you came into my life, everything went the right way. You never saw me as anyone else but who I was. You've always..." blah, blah, blah was all it sounded like. "Get to the point already!" I wanted to scream, but I didn't. "Taylor Alison Swift," he finally said, "will you marry me?"


Sitting with my annoying brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law was a mission and a half. They were even more grossing than usual. I feel for their poor kids one day; the amount of PDA they'd see was too much.

As much as I was happy for the two, it sort of dug an even deeper hole in the emptiness of my heart. I was missing Malcom even more. I could hear the beating of my own heart, it didn't sound normal at all. It sounded like footsteps on my stairs.

Two months had gone by and I was still reaching. I just missed him too much. I wanted him to come back, come back to me here like he would if this was a movie.

If this was a movie, he'd be here by now.

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