15. Ours

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Social media will be the death and exposure of everyone. If you've never noticed, cheating wives and husbands are usually caught on social networks. Talent is discovered on social media. Point is, social networks can either make or break you.

"Cuddling with the babe on our first anniversary. Stay Awesome Chase!" I wrote on the caption block and uploaded a picture of Chase and me on Instagram. After 3 minutes, the picture already had 700 likes and 400 comments.

The comments. That's what was very upsetting. Many of my true fans were very happy for me and sent love to both me and Chase, but some people were rather mean.

"When are you breaking up?"

"Counting down the days left of this relationship"

"Chase, what were you thinking?"

As I was worrying over what people were saying about Chase and I relationship, Liz came back from one of her shopping sprees- earlier than usual. "Why're you back so early?" I asked. "I saw what people were saying on twitter and knew I had to come home.

That's my best friend for a reason. "It's okay," I told her, "I wasn't expecting everyone to be thrilled, anyway." "Yes," Liz replied, "but you can't expect me to wine and dine with-" she cut herself short.

"I knew it!" I shouted. "I knew there was a reason behind your everyday 'solo' shopping." Liz sort of blushed while Chase gave Liz a serious look. "Who is it?" he finally spoke. "It's just someone I met a while ago..."

Liz told us about her new mate. Chase seemed very overprotective. Had I not known better, I'd say he was jealous, but he had he's brotherly look on. The same look he gives Lizzy everyday so I knew I had nothing to worry about. And besides, I trust him.

We were still chatting when Kirstie and Austin came back from their movie. I still didn't approve of their relationship but hey, they're old enough. I jumped up to Kirstie to give her an update on the latest news of the house. "Whoa," she said when I'd told her everything, "we leave the house for a few hours and Liz is in a relationship when we come back."

When Liz told us she was seeing someone, Chase sort of tensed and had "big brother" mode switched on. However, he was soon relieved when he found out that it was actually a girl.

Yes. My best friend is a lesbian.

I was so shocked when I heard it but soon recovered. Liz had been with me through everything and supported me through everything I did. The least I could do was be with her through her tough time. Come to think of it, Liz never went out with any guys, growing up. I always assumed she wasn't ready, but now it all makes sense. The fact that she now has a thing for girls doesn't change anything between us.

"I am so glad you guys are okay with this," Liz said, "I was getting tired of buying stuff in 5 minutes just to show that I really did go shopping." We all laughed. "You didn't have to, though," Kirstie said. "Yeah," Austin added, "we love you anyway."

Chase's phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered.

"I must tell Lizzy? Isn't she there with you?"

"Oh... oh yeah... I'll tell her..."

We were all looking at him with concerned expressions.

"Kirstie," Chase began, "my parents say Lizzy said she was going out with you guys..."

"She called earlier and asked where I was and I told her we were about to watch a movie..." Austin said, "she sounded excited and when I asked why she was asking she said she was just asking. She also said something about going to Annabel's house."

"And Annabel called me earlier looking for her," Liz added.

Where on earth is Lizzy?


***Lizzy's P.O.V***

"You're really beautiful," Malcom said to me. I simple smiled and looked at him. He was looking me straight in the eyes and saying a whole lot of junk I couldn't hear. He gently tucked the hair on my cheeks behind my ear and held my cheek. What on earth is this guy doing? I asked myself.

He came closer to me and closed his eyes. Oh no. I wasn't ready for this. He didn't give me much time to prepare myself because before I knew it, he was kissing me. I felt really awkward, like, what should I do? I'd seen people kiss many times but no one ever told me what they actually do. All I felt in my stomach was butterflies. The beautiful kind. It was like we were picking up for all the lost time. I hadn't realized that I was kissing him back and it felt good. His lips were moving on mine like a pro. I wasn't sure I was doing it right but then I thought, oh well.

Before I knew it and while I was getting into the kiss, I suddenly felt a gush of air on my warm face. "That was my best kiss ever," Malcom said. "That was my first kiss ever," I confessed.

How rude of me to not introduce myself. I'm Lizzy. I figured it's about time I get to Speak Now. You should all know Malcom; maybe not his name but you know him. I met him at Taylor's first concert in Cape Town. He does the lighting and all that camera techno stuff. He and I were just friends for a while until today, I think. I think we've sealed the deal now.

I was feeling all bubbly inside and I mean who wouldn't after their first kiss with someone they like. Malcom was amazing. Which guy would save money from his camera gigs and stuff to buy a plane ticket just to come and see me? I may not know much about love, but if this is what being in love feels like, I like it.

The day was well spent with Malcom but it had to end. We got on a cab and I gave the driver Taylor's address. My second home. When we got there, Malcom would be going to his uncle's house in Centurion so he told the driver to wait while he walked me up to the door.

"I had a great day with you today," he said as we reached the doorstep. "Thanks," I blushed, "Me too." I heard a lot of shuffling inside and knew they were all up waiting for me. "I think you should leave now," I told Malcom while pointing at the impatient driver. "Goodnight," I said and gave him a soft peck on the lips; and then I went inside.


***Taylor's P.O.V***

We all woke up early that Sunday morning and started dressing up for lunch. By early, I mean 11am. There was a lot of tension in the house after last night's arguments. When Lizzy came back, she was upset to find out about Liz's sexuality and Chase was angry at her for going out with a boy and I was angry at him for shouting. It was all too much so Kirstie, being the peacemaker, suggested that we all go out for lunch with Malcom and Suki (Liz's girlfriend) and talk things out.

We went to Piatto's, an Italian restaurant, where there was a breakfast buffet. We booked a huge table for eight and were served by 3 waiters. It was very quiet and awkward until Liz finally spoke up. "You know what guys, I can't take this. Fighting. It's not us. We can't agree on everything but we learn to live with it. Suki and I love each and other and that's what matters. So do Taylor and Chase. And Lizzy and Malcom. Kirstie and Austin I'm not sure about..." we all laughed which was like an ice breaker.

"It doesn't matter what people think," Chase said, "Taylor, I don't care what they say. Life makes love look hard but it doesn't matter because right now you're mine." I smiled. "Malcom and Suki," Lizzy added, "Welcome to the family!" After that, we all socialized and had a great time.

In that last 24 hours, I learnt that there'll always be someone who disapproves. People will judge relationship like they know us. Another thing I learnt was that the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do but we shouldn't care.

This love is ours.

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