♕ chapter three | for forever

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" All we see is sky for forever
We let the world pass by for forever
Feels like we could go on for forever this way "  - DEH

" All we see is sky for foreverWe let the world pass by for foreverFeels like we could go on for forever this way "  - DEH

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Henry's Perspective

"Well this isn't what I expected when you said you wanted to get out of here," Monica admitted, her arm's grip on me grew tighter.

The plaza was a huge open town square in Estherfold. It was near the capital, where I resided, and it was usually a hot tourist attraction during the winter. A beautiful large fountain was in the middle of the plaza grounds that was always spurting out hot steamed water to accommodate with the cold winter atmosphere. It was near midnight so I wasn't surprised that everyone had fallen fast asleep. I was always thankful that we had lived quite close to the north pole as our skies never seemed to be too dark.

But in the plaza, was the heart of Estherfold. Out of the many things Estherfold was known for, besides being one of the worlds safest countries, having the most beautiful hotels and inns and wedding sites, was also our hospitality. Although the citizens have updated their lives to the 21st century lifestyle, they still lived a humble and calm life. The main occupations were of hoteliers and innkeepers. But people loved the simple life here.

It was one of the most charming things about Estherfold and was the very reason why I wanted to bring Monica here.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, realizing that we had left before dinner was served.

She shook her head. "No, thank you for asking." She unwrapped her arm from mine and approached a shop. The sign read 'Fletcher's Dolls' as Monica spun around, smiling. "That's so cute!" She exclaimed.

I snickered. "What? A doll shop?" She nodded her head excitedly.

"You know, I never had a doll growing up," she admitted as she looped her arm around mine again. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really?" She nodded. "Aren't you the daughter of Daniel Van Dijk?"

"Step-daughter," she corrected, "well, he is practically my father at this point. My real father left when I was three years old and well, let's just say it was for the better," I caught the look of sadness in her eyes, "I don't remember much but just that my mom had to work all the time while my father sat at home or spent her money, saying it was for my needs. He just left one day and my mom married Daniel just the next year.

"I know, I know, that seems to be quite quick. Honestly, even I thought it was quick when I was young but she was finally happy and he seemed to reconcile it as well. They've been married ever since and when I became of age, I changed my last name," she explained.

"I'm sorry for what you and your mother had to go through," I said sincerely, "I'm glad everything worked out for your mother
and for you."

She slightly nodded again. "So, Henry," she began, "why did you take me out of the ball? You know a gentleman is supposed to do the opposite," she teased.

The Moon's Kiss aka The Hired Assassin Where stories live. Discover now