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*Monday morning*
Samantha's P.O.V
Finally I get to see Melissa again. We didn't get a chance to talk yesterday but that's alright. I put on some blue jeans with a black crop top and some black converse. I put my hair up in two puffs for today.

When I got to school the first person I looked for was Melissa but I didn't really know where she hung out before first period so I just went to my homeroom.

Finally the bell rang for first period and I rushed there. While I was waiting for the teacher Melissa came. My face lit up with happiness.

Melissa and I never really paid attention in this class and now that we sat together we were constantly talking, we would get called out sometimes but we didn't care.

For some reason this conversation felt off. So I asked a question.
"Any tea?" I said
"Maybe." She said blushing.
"Oooo spill!" I said intrigued.
"Well there's this boy that I like. His name is Eric and he's soooo hot." She said seeming so excited and obsessed.

My heart shattered. I could feel actual pain in my chest. I knew this wasn't going to end well for me.
"Ooo cute does he like you back?" I practically had to force out without sounding heartbroken.
"I think so but he has a girl that he's talking to." She says getting noticeably upset.

I rest my hand on her leg for reassurance and give her a comforting smile.
"It'll be alright I'm sure he'll like you. I mean have you met you?" I say.
She giggles "Thanks Samantha. I needed that."
"Anytime Melissa. I'm always here." I say.
"What's your number? We can text more about this." I add.
"Here." She says handing me a piece of paper. I put it into my pocket and begin packing my bag.The bell rings to end class and I rush out trying not to tear up.

I go through the rest of the day basically ignoring everyone. Once school was out I practically ran home. I got into the house threw my bag into the corner of my room and laid on my bed.

Suddenly I burst into tears. Everything I had held back from this morning all brought up at once. I cried for hours while listening to some depressing music.

Of course she doesn't like me. What was I thinking. How was that even a consideration it's me. I should've known she wouldn't like me.

I get my phone knowing it would cause me pain and I text her.

Samantha😊: hey
Melissa💔😕: hi
Samantha😊: what's up?
Melissa💔😕: nothing
Samantha😊: so tell me about this Eric guy
Melissa💔😕: alright well I've liked him for a while now actually he's really funny and cute and he likes to dance.
Samantha😊: wow he sounds like the whole package.
Melissa💔😕: yeah he is :)
Samantha😊: well I gotta go to sleep it's getting kinda late I'll see you later.
Melissa💔😕: ok good night Samantha
Samantha😊: good night Melissa

I turned off my phone and went back to crying. I cried myself to sleep that night. I planned to avoid Melissa for the next few days except for class obviously.

~two weeks later~
Samantha😊: hey Melissa
Melissa💔😕: hey Samantha
Samantha😊: whatcha doin?
Melissa💔😕: I'm on a call with Eric.
Samantha😊: ok cool
Melissa💔😕: yeah
Samantha😊: have fun
Melissa💔😕: yup
Melissa💔😕: *sends screenshot of Eric eating shirtless*
Melissa💔😕: he's been eating for like 30 mins now and still has abs how?
Samantha😊: idk
Melissa💔😕: his connection is trash😂
Samantha😊: gee

I really didn't care about Eric at all but it got me to talk to Melissa so oh well.

Melissa💔😕: alright the call is done now
Samantha😊: cool
Melissa💔😕: yeah
Samantha😊: anyway I gotta go talk to you later?
Melissa💔😕: yeah sure
Samantha😊: ok bye
Melissa💔😕: bye

It hurts so bad even listening to her talk about him but I'll be alright. Maybe someday she'll look at me like that.

I went back to listening to my depressing songs I figured I'd get over it soon. I hope I get over it soon.

Melissa💔😕: Samantha??
Samantha😊: yeah?
Melissa💔😕: sigh
Samantha😊: what's wrong
Melissa💔😕: Eric...
Samantha😊: what did he do
Melissa💔😕: basically him and the girl were already dating and he lied to me. He had me thinking that I had a chance so I told him I'd wait when in reality he was already dating her. Fuck him.
Samantha😊: That asshole!! What the hell who does that?!
Melissa💔😕: sigh yeah.
Samantha😊: are you gonna block him or something?
Melissa💔😕: I sent him a paragraph about how he hurt me and to stop playing with my feelings.
Samantha😊: damn alright
Melissa💔😕: yeah
Melissa💔😕: I'm gonna delete our messages
Melissa💔😕: *deletes messages with Eric*
Melissa💔😕: that hurt a little
Samantha😊: I'm sorry
Melissa💔😕: it's fine. Anyway I'm gonna go to sleep
Samantha😊: alright goodnight Melissa

I'm gonna fucking kill him. He has no right to play with her feelings like that. She doesn't deserve that she's perfect and doesn't deserve to be hurt like that. He's so stupid he doesn't even know what he's losing. I would never do that to her...

Damn I really am falling a little too hard for this girl...

This is the end of chapter 4 sorry it's so short.

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