chapter 13

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--------Next Morning*

**Mandy's POV**I woke up to Harry next to me?why was he here in MY bed!so I tried waking him up,and he finally woke up like 7 minutes later.

Harry what are you doing here!

What do you mean?you asked me to stay!

yeah ok.why would I ask you to stay.we're not even together!?!?

I was wondering the same thing but you basically begged me to stay here with you...

Oh my god.did I really ask Harry to stay with me?I doubt it. have to go!


please Harry just go!

uh.Yeah sure,bye Mandy...


He left.I wanted to call his name and just let him stay but I just couldn't.It didn't feel the same I just wish we could grow back together,but I don't think we can.But Tomorrow is Harry's moms wedding I'm so nervous I haven't seen his mom in years but I'm gonna go anyway I really miss her.But I have to find something to wear and I have to get them a wedding present.So I got ready and headed to go get them a present I got them (a card,and a $200 gift card to a clothing store called "City Trends" she love that place and I put $80 in the card for her and her soon to be husband)then I went to "Bridal Wear" to get a dressi didn't know what to pick their were so many Beautiful ones.But while I was walking ' down an aisle one of the dresses caught my eye,it was light pink and it had crystals on the breast,tight on the stomach and flowy on the bottom I loved it.It was $98 so I had enough so before anyone else takes it I have to buy it now!so I went to the cashier paid for the dress and was on my way home.When I got home I walked inside and I was pushed up against the wall.It was Joey!how did he even know Where I lived??


Mandy shh,calm down I just need you back!

Joey let me go.and get out of my house!

Mandy you never just let me talk!

what.What is so import-

I was cut off by him kissing I pushed him off and ran up the steps into my room and locked the door.he ran up also.

Mandy please.I'm sorry can we just talk!unlock the door.

Their is Nothing to talk about!just leave me alone and get out.

c'mon please just talk to me!

Please just Leave!

I wasn't sure if he left but I heard him start to I cracked the door and looked out I.didn't see anyone so I opened the door all the way and Started walking slowly.When I took another step He tackled me onto the bed.He was on top of me holding down my wrists.

Get off of me!!

Mandy I'm not gonna hurt you just give me another chance I promise I will never hurt you again just Please!?!?

I know that this may sound crazy but I kinda missed Joey to and maybe I should just give it another shot.I didn't know if i was just being desperate or ifbi really still did have feelings for him.

Umm Joey I'm going to try to work things out between us.But Please just promise me that you womt hurt me again!

Oh my god I promise babe I only want you!and I love you

I didn't know if I should tell him that I loved him back or if I should just tale things slow.

erm.I love you to?

its okay I know its kinda hard to already tell me you love me.but for you I'm willing to take things slow for us.

awww.thanks Joe! and um will you come to a wedding with me Tomorrow so That I'm not alone?

Haha yeah sure I guess.

okay its at 7:00 p.m. and wear something nice!

uh okay well guess ill see you Tomorrow. bye?

bye babe.

When he left I just thought about things I didn't know if I was doing the right thing by giving him a second chance or not.and I still kinda love Harry and I started having feelings for Zayn to,I just didn't lnow what to do or who to choose!While I was laying down on the couch my mom walked in coming home From work.

Hey hun how was your day!? was a very interesting night.

oh how come?

I can't say!but you'll find out soon.


yup well Goodnight mom love you!

love you to!Oh and tomorrow I leave for my Business trip to Sanfransisco.

what how long!?

it depends.Maybe like 2 weeks.

oh okay Goodnight. I ran up the stairs and slumped down on my bed just thinking about the wedding tomorrow. I Wonder how harry is gonna feel or what he'll think? but I had to get some sleep so I closed my eyes and soon enough dozed off.

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