Important For Readers [Do Not Skip At Any Cost]

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Hey guys!👋.
So today I decided to write this because my old and first A/N sucks😖.It's because I was so young and had no idea how to put my thoughts into words. It's been three years max so I took the other one away and thought this would be a good time to update.
So let's try again.

Here are some basic things about this book. It's important!:-


2). I'm not sure if I'll do ships between avengers not because I by any means discriminate relationships between them. I do read ships among many other things. I'm just more into platonic love between them.

3).At one point there obviously is a chance to add ships if I wanted to write them but other than that as you can see by the title, this book mostly caters to platonic stories.

4). I'm a super empathic/sensitive person. Like the "I would cry because you're sad" kind. so I can't write a lot of angst. I do tend to avoid those fics when I'm reading too. Mild whump I read but nothing to severe. So I'm thankful to those who won't mind that this book will be filled with more softish whump and fluffy ones😭.

5). ABSOLUTELY NO DEATH. AIN'T NOBODY DYING IN MY WORLD😈. I just can't. I mean why?. When I can enjoy fluff🤣💀.

6). There won't be a lot of aunt May. She's not heavily associated with this book because I fell in love with the father-son duo. But she will make appearances rarely and I don't mind turning her into a villan once in a while. Anything for a good Irondad fic💀😈.

7). Peter X friend also won't be heavily involved. A few here and there whenever I want too. (which is rarely)

8). There won't be Peter X reader. I just can't imagine to write like that. It's kinda awkward for me.

9). There will rarely be A/N notes in the book, So if you missed anything or want to know anything you can head to conversation in my account. Or just put a comment.

10). There will be no Morgan. I'll say it straight away. In this universe Morgan will never exist. As I've said I just prefer Peter and Tony together. It's something that brings me comfort and I would like to keep it that way.

11). Endgame what?. Infinity war who?. Civil war where?. Are they candy brands?. Never heard of them?🧐.

Keep in mind that this is my brain, so some things I can't control. The reason I began this book is so I can let out my stress and create every new idea I get, which is a lot to keep in. This is also for my healing purposes. So I am purely here for you to enjoy some crazy ideas I have if you would like to. That's why my one shots are not very similar to the vaste majority out there.

This universe of mine will be one where everyone is alive and well. Definitely none of those candy brands I mentioned above. Tony got the arc reactor from an accident. And Peter is either their biological child or adopted, but he's the only one. This makes me feel more at ease😌

I can go ahead and continue on writing my fics now that I know you guys know if you'd want to stay or not.

So thank you in advance for reading. And I appreciate every single like and comment and your neverending support.


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