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I was a bit dumbfounded when Dylan, ahem, released inside of me. Especially right after we had a conversation about me not being ready for kids yet.
I knew that having heirs was a big deal for Alphas, and I knew Dylan was dying to impregnate me so I could give him children.
It was one of my main roles as the Luna to provide the pack with future leaders, and everyone wanted us to have them sooner rather than later.
Was I being selfish by not wanting kids for the next few years?
Honestly, there's no going back from having a kid. You have someone you are completely responsible for and it's a lot of pressure to raise a future Alpha.
I knew I had to get another woman's opinion, so I called Macy and Lilah. Crystal was unfortunately in class for the day and she was the one I felt closest with since she hid me from Dylan. But Macy and Lilah would have valuable opinions too.
We met in Macy's dorm room and surprisingly, she had a male roommate.
I had to admit, he was cute. But he had nothing on Dylan.
He was tall and he had blonde hair, his name was Cam.
"Go to your room or something, Cam, Quincy has to talk about something." Macy barked.
"You guys seriously call the Luna by her first name?" Cam looked baffled.
"Does the Alpha know that?" he questioned.
"I don't care, I need to rant about him anyways." I rolled my eyes, and Cam raised an eyebrow.
"Actually, come sit. I want as many opinions on this as I can get." I invited him to the table, and he pulled out a chair for himself.
"So, before I get into it, how soon do you guys think I should have kids?" I asked, trying to keep a neutral face.
"Never, we don't need any little you's running around," Macy wheezed laughing at herself.
"You should have kids when you're ready." Lilah said sympathetically.
"Why the hell do I care when you have your kids?" Cam blurted, and I was a bit surprised but then laughed about his honesty.
"In all honesty, soon. I'm surprised the Alpha hasn't just forced you to get off birth control." Macy said honestly.
"Okay, wow. Alright, well thank you for your honesty, Macy." I laughed and she shrugged.
"We need someone to take over as Alpha eventually, so might as well try for a boy while it's early in case you've got bad luck." Cam said.
"What if I have girls?" I asked nervously.
"Then you and the Alpha will still love them with all your hearts." Lilah smiled, and Macy gave her a questioning look.
"Okay, I'm not gonna sugar coat it like a certain someone just did. But you definitely need to have a boy. If you don't then your daughter won't be the future leader and you'll just have to get pregnant and do it all over again." Macy said.
This whole conversation was sort of opening my eyes. I never thought about how Dylan would be if we had a daughter, I guess I just assumed he'd be fine with it.
But here are three pack members basically saying that I need to have a son in the near future or I'm doomed.
"Thanks for your honesty, guys." I said.
"Maybe I should just let him try for a baby. It wouldn't be the end of the world." I sighed, standing up.
They all waved me off goodbye as I headed back up to my room.
Dylan was typing away on his laptop, but he paused and looked at me when I came in.
"Lilah really needed to talk again?" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
I just sighed, putting my hair up into a messy bun as Dylan watched me, seeming confused.
"Dylan, I've done a little thinking." I said, looking back up at him. He raised an eyebrow.
"About what?" he asked sternly.
"Well, do you really genuinely want to have kids right now?" I asked, stone-faced.
"Absolutely. I need an heir to train while I'm still young and able to teach them how to fight." he said, still seeming confused by the question.
"But what if we had a kid and it was a girl?" I asked.
"I wouldn't mind. I want to have multiple children anyways." Dylan smiled slightly.
"Well now I feel... ugh." I muttered, storming off to the closet to take my shoes off.
"Feel what, babe?" he asked sincerely.
I rolled my eyes and hopped in into bed next to him, grabbing the remote to channel-surf.
"Nevermind," I said, turning the volume up a bit on the game show channel.
"No, tell me Quincy. I want to understand." he said, turning my cheek to face him.
I took a deep breath and paused the TV, quickly turning back to him.
"I feel like I'm being selfish for wanting to wait longer to have kids." I said quietly.
"Quincy, you were taken away from a human life to be an Alpha's mate, of course you don't naturally want to have kids right away. It doesn't make you selfish for wanting to do what you would have done with any human boyfriend." he explained.
"I knew you wouldn't be on board right away, but I still think you should consider it." He said, his thumb reaching to softly rub over my bottom lip.
"We can get a nanny. Trust me, I still want my alone time with you." he smirked, and I laughed.
"Okay, I'll think about it." I smiled, and pressed play on the TV while I leaned against Dylan's shoulder.
Guess I wouldn't have to worry about taking my birth control anymore.

Werewolf"You're playing a dangerous game, my darling. Don't speak of giving yourself to me if you can't back it up." he said lowly, a smirk still on his face. He was incredibly sexy. His deep voice, his handsome face, and his godly body. He made me quiver...