I felt confused when I woke up in a cold room with fluorescent lighting, hooked up to heart monitors and IV's.
I had to squint, my head hurt like a bitch. Suddenly the lights turned off and I felt free to open my eyes again, though they hurt every time I changed the focus of my vision.
Dylan was sitting next to me eagerly in a chair, and my doctor, Dr. Franzen, had been the one to turn off the lights.
"Hello, Luna. How are you feeling?" she asked.
I looked to Dylan, his face was cut up and his neck was bruised.
"My head hurts," I said, my voice raspy and quiet.
"You acquired a concussion and a hairline fracture in your forearm, and you've been out for four days now." she said.
I looked down and was surprised to find my left arm in a cast. I just felt so lucky to be alive.
But my heart dropped when I remembered:
"My baby," I could hear the worry in my voice as the words escaped my lips, and Dylan put his hand over mine to comfort me.
"Your baby is doing fine, we did an ultrasound as soon as the ambulance got you here." she smiled and I felt myself let out a sigh of relief.
"What about you?" I turned to Dylan.
"I had a couple of cracked ribs. I am so sorry, Quincy. I hate myself for doing that," he looked so hurt for me.
"We're okay, our baby is okay, Dylan. There's nothing else to it," I croaked.
He nodded slightly and pulled my hand up to kiss it gently.
"We do know the sex of the baby from the ultrasound, if you'd like to know." Dr. Franzen gave us a warm smile.
I looked to Dylan and he nodded, looking back to the doctor immediately.
"You're having a boy," she said, and I felt my lips curl up into a grin.
"Wow," Dylan leaned down to kiss my forehead lovingly.
"A boy," I smiled, putting my hand on my bump. My eyes welled up with tears. Secretly I had been hoping for a boy, and I knew I wanted to give him a little sister or brother in a year or two.
It took about three weeks before Dylan agreed I didn't need to stay in the clinic any longer. I wanted to go a lot sooner but he felt better that I was with his qualified team of doctors 24/7 if anything did go wrong.
My arm still wouldn't be healed for another few weeks at least, but my head was starting to calm down with the throbbing and pounding migraines.
The first night I got to sleep in my own bed again, Dylan wasted no time pulling me up against him and holding me like he hadn't been able to do for weeks.
"I will never forgive myself for this, Quincy." he sighed, gesturing to my broken arm.
"It wasn't your fault that asshole ran a red light, Dylan. You can't blame yourself for this, babe." I said, nuzzling my head closer to his neck before kissing it gently.
"You're right. I just want to focus on you and our soon-to-be family right now." he gave my tummy a soft playful pat.
"Well now that we know it's a boy we can start thinking of names and designing a nursery," I smiled.
"You're absolutely right." he poked my nose playfully with his finger.
"I love you more than anything in the world, Quincy." he kissed my shoulder, making his way up to my neck.

Werewolf"You're playing a dangerous game, my darling. Don't speak of giving yourself to me if you can't back it up." he said lowly, a smirk still on his face. He was incredibly sexy. His deep voice, his handsome face, and his godly body. He made me quiver...