"Well we actually just recently started trying, Grandma." he rubbed my thigh under the table.
I felt nervous. I hated talking about it because I felt like until I was pregnant I might as well be a pet rock for how useless I was.
"Oh, good!" Patty exclaimed. "How long ago?" she asked, her smile going back to her wrinkly neutral lips.
"I don't know, maybe a couple of weeks. Who counts?" Dylan shrugged.
"Interesting. Because I recall seeing Quincy at the clinic a couple weeks ago. I didn't think you noticed me but I saw that you took a little white pill." Patty said. Dylan raised an eyebrow and turned to me.
"Yeah, my pain medication for my cramps," I said, not really understanding what her deal was.
"I've never seen any cramp medication that looked like that. And I was a nurse at the clinic for centuries." she shrugged.
I grabbed my bag from beside me and dug out the medication. The bottle label clearly read "Cramp Comfort and Relief".
"But open it up." Patty said. I unscrewed the lid and dumped a few out in my hand.
"I know that brand, it's always been blue oval shaped pills." Patty said.
Dylan just looked at me expectantly. I tried to think back. Come to think of it, Patty was right about the pills being blue. But I felt like for some reason they'd been working better the last few weeks....
And then I remembered: these were birth control pills. I had switched them out, but I couldn't explain to Dylan and Patty why, because I did it while I was high at Macy's dorm.
"I guess I must have accidentally moved them from another pill container?" I said.
Dylan screwed the lid back on and tucked the bottle into his pocket.
"Well that explains why you weren't getting pregnant, dear. Alpha males have very potent sperm, you'll be pregnant in no time now that you'll stop taking those," Patty smiled and sipped her tea.
After lunch, Dylan and I went back up to our room, and he had been pretty quiet, so I knew something was going to go down.
Sure enough, he shut the door behind us and let out a sigh.
"I don't understand how that happens accidentally, Quincy."
"I thought you were ready to carry my child?" he said softly.
"I am! I didn't want to say it in front of her but I switched them while I was high because I took the last cramp pill and the birth control package took up too much room in my bag. I didn't remember I switched them and just kept taking them when I got sober." I said.
Dylan sighed.
"I guess that makes sense. When was the last time you took one?" he asked me.
"Yesterday." I answered, sitting on the bed. Dylan came and sat next to me.
He pulled the pills out of his pocket, and extended his arm to hand them to me.
"I can't in good conscience take these away from you. Just in case you really do secretly want them, keep them. It was wrong of me to try to control what happened to your body." he said.
"It means a lot to hear you say that, actually." I smiled slightly and took the bottle. Then I got up and threw it in the bathroom trash can, before returning to a grinning Dylan.
We cuddled and watched television for an hour or so, and Dylan's theory about not doing anything until tonight might have actually been super smart. I was super turned on but I had to let it keep building up until I could let it all go tonight.
Finally around 6:30 we had Dylan's birthday dinner downstairs. I decided to just keep on the dress I was wearing, but Dylan traded his sweats in for a suit, and he looked sexy as hell.
When we walked into the ballroom the place was packed. A bunch of Dylan's friends coming together to celebrate him, and as soon as we walked in he was swept away into the crowd of his adoring pack members.
In the mean time, if I couldn't give Dylan some birthday sex until later, I had to do something to pass the time.
It didn't surprise me in the least to find Macy and Crystal sitting at the bar.
"What's up, girl!" Crystal said excitedly when she saw me. I took a seat on the stool next to Macy and called the bartender over.
"Can I get a screwdriver?" I asked, and he nodded quickly when he realized who I was.
"That kind of night?" Macy chuckled when he handed me the drink.
"Might as well have a good time if I'm here, right?" I said.
"To Dylan!" Macy held up her martini. Crystal used her beer and I used my screwdriver to toast, and taking the first sip afterwards was a dream.
The ratio of vodka to orange juice was perfect and it tasted really sweet.
"Where even is Dylan?" Crystal asked.
"He disappeared into the crowd like 3 seconds after we got in here. I have no idea." I said.
"He didn't want to stick with you?" Macy raised an eyebrow and scoffed.
"Things are different now that our mating process is at a stand-still. He already marked me, he doesn't really have a reason to be protective of me with his own pack," I said.
Maybe once I got pregnant that would change.
Maybe he would go back to keeping his arm around my waist constantly in public, growling at any guy who looked at me.
But for now this screwdriver was making me feel great, so I ordered another one.
All I knew was that tonight with Dylan might be the night.
I don't know. I had a good feeling, I guess.

Werwolf"You're playing a dangerous game, my darling. Don't speak of giving yourself to me if you can't back it up." he said lowly, a smirk still on his face. He was incredibly sexy. His deep voice, his handsome face, and his godly body. He made me quiver...