1. Double Date! pt.1

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Lightbulb's P.O.V.

      It was a sunny Sunday afternoon and I was sitting in the park, under the shade of tall, oak tree, in the park, with my genderless-friend, Painty. We were goofing off together when a buzz sounded in my pocket.
      "Wait just oooonnne second," I said to Painty. They nodded and I ran about 20 feet away, in case it was some weird message from my internet friend, Twig.
      Turns out, it was Testy! The message read: "Hey Lightbulb! Are you and Paintbrush available today?"
      I ran my fingers over the small Mephone keyboard. "Yeah," I texted back. "What's up?"
      A typing bubble chat. Then a message came. "Well... me and Fan were wondering if we could have a.. double date!"
      I replied in a flash. "Of course! Where to?"
      "We were thinking Scoop's Ice Cream Shop since today's really nice and sunny."
      "Awesome! What time shall we meet up?"
      A few seconds passed by and a text message came. "Maybe in twenty minutes?" Testy replied.
      "Awesome! I'll go tell Painty right now. Cya!"
      "Cya" Testy said.
      I turned off my Mephone and shoved it into my pocket. I ran towards my partner yelling, "Painty! Painty!"
      Paintbrush looked at me and ran at me. "So?"
      "Testy and Fan want us to have a double date at Scoop's Ice Cream in twenty minutes!" I replied excitedly. "Can we go?"
      Painty smiled. "I don't see why we couldn't enjoy an ice cream cone on a sunny afternoon," they replied.
      "Yay!" I cheered and we headed home to get ready.

Fan's P.O.V

Time skip to twenty minutes later
      I walked into Scoop's Ice Cream, holding Test Tube's hand. I immediately spotted Lightbulb and Paintbrush, due to Paintbrush being tall and their girlfriend being bright and cheery.
      "Oh, there you guys are!" Paintbrush exclaimed, and they ran up to hug me. I blushed a bit, and they pulled away.
      "How are you guys doing?" Test Tube asked the couple, after she had pulled away from the tight hug Lightbulb gave her.
      "We're doing great! How 'bout y'all?" Lightbulb replied, cheerfully.
      "Doin' great as well," I replied with a hint of uncertainty.
      Lightbulb smiled and my girlfriend and the cheerful bulb chatted away. I looked around the Ice Cream shop and me and Paintbrush locked eyes. As soon as we noticed, we both looked away, blushing.
      There's no way I could be in love with Paintbrush! I thought. I have a girlfriend, and they do too!


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