3. A Visit

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Narrative P.O.V. (focused on PB)

      Paintbrush was at home, chilling on their sofa and scrolling through Insta when he got a message from Fan. They tapped on the notification and read the message.
      "Hey Paintbrush. I was wondering if you could come over today. If you have a busy schedule, that's fine, you could come over to visit anytime. Peace, m' bud"
      PB smiled and got up and went to their room to change. After a minute, Paintbrush was already heading out the door.
      "Hey sweetie," said Lightbulb, "where y' goin'?"
      Paintbrush jumped a bit, scared. They looked back.
      "Going to visit Fan for a bit," they replied.
      "Alright, have fun," she said, heading towards the kitchen.
      Paintbrush smiled a little and went outside to walk to Fan's house.

Fan's P.O.V.

      I paced in my living room, waiting for Paintbrush to arrive. After a bit, the doorbell rang and I raced to the front door to answer it.
      "Hey, bud!" I exclaimed, welcoming them. "Come in,"
      "Hey, Fan!" they replied and entered the house. Paintbrush took off their sneakers, which relieved me a TON.
      Paintbrush sat down on a chair in the living room and I sat down on a stool near them.
      Paintbrush stared at me a bit and blushed. "So.. why did you want me here?" they asked nervously, their hand behind their blonde hair.
      I shuffled around on my stool nervously and crossed my legs. I blushed as well.
      "Well... I'm.. I'll— I-" I stuttered shyly, afraid to express my feelings. "I-"
      All off a sudden I was pulled forward.
      And then it happened.

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