4. Can You Keep It A Secret?

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Paintbrush's P.O.V.

      I did it.
      I kissed Fan and I pulled back quickly after three seconds. What was I thinking? He has a girlfriend and I do too. If they both find out, our lives are long gone, due to being murdered by our girls with steaming fury.
      I blushed profusely and covered my face with my hands and turned around. Fan realized what had happened and blushed strongly too.
      We sat in embarrassment for a 5 minutes straight. As the living room clock ticks by within the few minutes, I just stay still regretting the choice I hade made.
Lightbulb, if you ever find out don't kill me-
"S-s.. so," Fan nervously spluttered out after the five minutes. "Uh-uhm.. I- I wanted to say that I have feelings for y-"
"And I do too, as you could probably tell." I interrupted him. My reply let out a small, short and quiet chuckle out of him.
"How can we stay together...? We both know that we love each other," Fan whispered. "But exactly... how?"

Lightbulb's P.O.V.

     Rewind to the second after PB left
      Hm.. is it just me or is Painty really nervous today? I'll probably check on them if they don't return in an hour....
      I grab my laptop off the kitchen table and head upstairs. When I enter our room, I sit "sideways" on the bed and prop the device open.
      I had decided to browse on Instagram to occupy my time, although it wasn't the best thing.
      After a while, I got bored so I decided to go out for a stroll in the neighborhood park. I got dressed in comfy but-not-too-comfy clothes and headed out the door.
      When I arrived, I was surprised to see....

(AHAHA sorry for another cliffhanger like this. I promise to upload two chapters later today... probably near 12:20 and 9:10 central time.)

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