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Chaeyoung Sné
there's something I want to tell you

Namjoon Fiti
what is that?

Chaeyoung Sné
about what happened to me in rsc

Namjoon Fiti
you're ready to talk about it? :0

Chaeyoung Sné

Chaeyoung Sné
actually this is the first time I'm going to talk about it with someone and you're the first person who'll know about it

Namjoon Fiti
thanks for trusting me, chaeng :)

Chaeyoung Sné
I just thought that you deserve to know it

Chaeyoung Sné
so uhm I'll start

Chaeyoung Sné
When I entered that group, Irene is the first person that approaches me very well until we became bestfriends

Chaeyoung Sné
She's in a relationship with jackson that time, that made me befriend him too. Until we got so close then I fell  with him but I kept it a secret

Chaeyoung Sné
I thought I'm the only one who's feeling the same way until one day he told me that he likes me.

Chaeyoung Sné
of course I told him that I like him too and what happened next is the biggest mistake I've ever done

Chaeyoung Sné
We had a relationship, tho we need to hide it. I told him that I don't want to but he was really persistent

Chaeyoung Sné
it was going well for me at the start but I couldn't take it anymore

Chaeyoung Sné
I can't lie and hurt my bestfriend anymore

Chaeyoung Sné
So without informing Jackson, I told Irene about it and apologized. Of course she got mad at me.

Chaeyoung Sné
And because of that too, I left the group. I was too ashamed with what I did that's why I didn't have the courage to let them know my side.

Chaeyoung Sné
then later after that, I heard that Irene and Jackson broke up. Then Irene messaged me, telling me that I'm a bitch, that I just flirted with jackson that's why he gave in which is not true

Chaeyoung Sné
I never flirted nor gave any motivations to him when we were just friends. It's the other way around. He's the one who's messaging me all the time and even flirting with me. So I bet jackson told her some lies

Chaeyoung Sné
I just let it tho, nothing will ever change anyway

Namjoon Fiti
Fuck that jackson

Namjoon Fiti
I still don't get it why are they just blaming you on what happened

Namjoon Fiti
that asshole

Chaeyoung Sné
I feel better now that I finally let it out

Namjoon Fiti
if you have problems, just tell to it me, alright?

Chaeyoung Sné
I will :)

Namjoon Fiti
but damn that asshole needs to pay for what he did to you

Namjoon Fiti
he can't just roam around this group freely while you're getting bash with whatever you do

Chaeyoung Sné
Don't bother, joon. He's dangerous

Chaeyoung Sné
I'm actually thinking that it must be him who reported your account

Namjoon Fiti
but it's Justine Jhai that came out

Chaeyoung Sné
what if it's also him?

Chaeyoung Sné
Just be careful

Chaeyoung Sné
If ever you saw some post about that thing, just ignore it okay?

Namjoon Fiti
I'll try chaeng

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