1K 42 16

Momo Dynama

Momo Dynama
there's something you need to know

Hoseok Gourmé
what is it cutie?

Momo Dynama
I'll be quitting this game

Hoseok Gourmé
WHAT?? WHY?????

Momo Dynama
because I lost

Momo Dynama
I fell, hoseok

Momo Dynama
fuck why does this feels right?|

Hoseok Gourmé

Hoseok Gourmé
I think we both lost

Hoseok Gourmé
I fell too momo

Hoseok Gourmé
I like you, momo

Momo Dynama
fuck no hoseok

Momo Dynama
you need to stay in this game

Momo Dynama
damn it I think I really like you too|

Hoseok Gourmé
too late, momo

Hoseok Gourmé
they already removed us on the gc

Momo Dynama
oh my god

Momo Dynama
hoseok, I don't deserve you

Hoseok Gourmé

Momo Dynama

Momo Dynama
I need to tell you a secret

Momo Dynama
I have a boyfriend

Momo Dynama
we're together since before this game started

Momo Dynama
and we cheated

Hoseok Gourmé

Hoseok Gourmé
so rose is really saying the truth

Hoseok Gourmé
but you said you fell? is that true?

Momo Dynama
I don't know hoseok

Momo Dynama
i don't know anymore

Hoseok Gourmé
why do you need to say that? so you can quit this game and be with your boyfriend already?

Momo Dynama

Momo Dynama
but maybe it's half true hoseok I don't know|

Hoseok Gourmé
ah haha

Hoseok Gourmé
it's true when I said I like you

Hoseok Gourmé
but you already have a boyfriend

Hoseok Gourmé
go to him now

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