100 | epilogue

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15 members

Jimin VS added Jeongyeon Fàwn.

Jimin VS added Yoongi.

Jimin VS added Chaeyoung Sné

Jimin VS added Sana Danielle.

Jimin VS added Nayeon NY.


Jin Verse
aRe yOu fReaKing oKaY??!?!!!?

Jimin VS
what??? the game's already over and their dAtInG bAn hAs bEen liftEd it's fine bruh

Nayeon NY
alright mother fuckers i miss y'll

Jungkook JJ
no one misses u

Nayeon NY
i'll punch your face when I met you

Taehyung KT
WE WILL we will

Jeongyeon Fàwn
@Jihyo Danielle @Namjoon Fiti i'm sure @Yoongi and @Chaeyoung Sné miss you so much 💕

I'm not

Chaeyoung Sné
imissu :< @Namjoon Fiti

Namjoon Fiti
i miss you more chaeng, pm it is hahahaha

Jihyo Danielle
I was about to get upset but I saw yoongi's message 😑😑

Dahyun Fuegó
my parents 😍😍😍

Nayeon NY
ya forgetting someone jeong

Nayeon NY
@Sana Danielle

Sana Danielle
i miss you dahyunieeeeeeeee 💞

Taehyung KT

Tzuyu Danielle

Nayeon NY

Nayeon NY
come on sis i know you have something to say hahahahaha

Sana Danielle

Sana Danielle left the group.

Jihyo Danielle
just let her HAHAHAHAHAHA

Chaeyoung Sné
i miss momo eonni too :<

same :( she's not yet coming back

Nayeon NY
@Hoseok Gourmé

Hoseok Gourmé

Nayeon NY
there's something you need to know

Nayeon NY
the last time we talked, she told me she broke up with her boyfriend and I think you're the reason

Hoseok Gourmé

Nayeon NY
She didn't really gave me a clear detail tho

Nayeon NY
so I really hope she'll open her acc very soon

Namjoon Fiti
you have a chance bro

Dahyun Fuegó
let's go moseok!

Nayeon NY
actually, there's lot of things I need to tell you guys

Jungkook JJ

Nayeon NY
I'll tell it to you guys personally :))

Jihyo Danielle
I'm really excited to see you all guys

Taehyung KT
same same

Nayeon NY
alright are you guys free this week?

Jin Verse

Tzuyu Danielle
I'm free

Namjoon Fiti
I'm free too

Jin Verse

Jimin VS
HAHAHAHAHA it's fine hyung, nayeon will always be our head admin

Chaeyoung Sné
I think we all are free since it's christmas break

Taehyung KT
alright! let's meet this week!

Dahyun Fuegó
yeah then let's meet again when momo eonni opened her acc

Jungkook JJ

Jeongyeon Fàwn
alright, set @Nayeon NY

Nayeon NY
okay, so this week

Nayeon NY
how bout on


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