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8 members

Jimin VS added Namjoon Fiti.

Jimin VS added Jihyo Danielle.

Jimin VS

Jin Verse
Welcome to the Waiting Club!

Jihyo Danielle
woah what is this??

Jungkook JJ
we're going to meet up soon, we'll just need to wait for the game to end so the others can join too

Jimin VS
you guys in?

Jihyo Danielle

Namjoon Fiti
hell yeah

Hoseok Gourmé
sooo tell us what happened

Namjoon Fiti
They gave us a challenge tho, they decide the winners by who will block his partner's acc first

Taehyung KT
block???? what the fuck

Jin Verse
that's worse, you can't even read your past conversations with your partner

Jimin VS
so that's what you do hyung?

Jin Verse
hmm sometimes 😗

Taehyung KT

Jihyo Danielle
but I didn't let yoongi blocked me, I confessed first before I blocked him hahaha

Namjoon Fiti
woah that's what I did too!

Tzuyu Danielle
yet you still lost even tho you block them first?

Jihyo Danielle
Yep, same rules. That three words is still prohibited.

Namjoon Fiti
they deserve to win tho

Jihyo Danielle
That's what I think too, they've been through a lot. It's time to prove them all that they really deserve to be part of rsc

Taehyung KT
so they are the final 5 now, what will happen next?

Jungkook JJ
knowing nayeon how play the game, I think it will be something exciting yet dangerous

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