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Falling Game
15 members

Jin Verse
I'm hungry gimme foods

Momo Dynama
how many foods do you want

Jin Verse

Momo Dynama

Sana Danielle
he said 5 momo u dumbass

Momo Dynama
it's 5!

Momo Dynama
a pancake, chicken, burger, fries, pizza, hotdog and a pasta

Sana Danielle
it's fucking seven momo

Momo Dynama
it's 5! can't you count??

Namjoon Fiti
imma shut up

let her sana eonni just let her

Tzuyu Danielle
@Jungkook JJ

Sana Danielle
WOAH :0000

Jungkook JJ

Taehyung KT
why woah

Tzuyu Danielle
I like you jungkook

Dahyun Fuegó


Chaeyoung Sné
Oh my god??!?

Hoseok Gourmé
is this some kind of a joke???

Taehyung KT
what the hell tzu

Sana Danielle
Tzuyu tell me you're lying

Tzuyu Danielle
I'm not. It's the truth. Jeongyeon eonni you can kick me out now.

Jungkook JJ
What the fuck are you talking about tzuyu??

Tzuyu Danielle
I like you, Jungkook. I fell, not to taehyung but to you. And I hope you also feel the same way.

tzuyu stop you're hurting taehyung oppa :((

Tzuyu Danielle
I'm sorry I don't want to be your friend anymore. I want more than that.

Sana Danielle

Tzuyu Danielle
Please tell me you like to me too.

Jihyo Danielle
What the fuck tzuyu?? You still have feelings for him???! I thought you've already moved on????

Jin Verse
woah what??

Chaeyoung Sné
are they ex lovers???

Hoseok Gourmé

Tzuyu Danielle
goddamn it eonni

Jihyo Danielle
do you still love him????

Sana Danielle
tzuyu??? :0

Tzuyu Danielle
I do

Tzuyu Danielle
I still love him

Tzuyu Danielle
It's still him after all

Sana Danielle
oh my god no

Taehyung KT

Taehyung KT
that's really surprising

Taehyung KT
you should've told me earlier

Taehyung KT
don't worry I'm not mad

Taehyung KT
sana is the one I really like

Sana Danielle
asshole what are you talking about??

Jungkook JJ
what the fuck bro

Taehyung KT
it's true

Taehyung KT
I like her since before this game started

Jungkook JJ
are you saying that because you're jealous tzuyu still loves me??

Taehyung KT
why?? are you jealous I confessed to her before you did?

Jungkook JJ
Fuck you what's your problem?!

Namjoon Fiti
Calm down, you two.

Taehyung KT
woah did I hit a nerve? hahahaha

Sana Danielle
stop it!

Taehyung KT
you coward

Jin Verse
stop it taehyung

Tzuyu Danielle
stop it already taehyung

Taehyung KT

Taehyung KT
sorry for teasing your baby boy

Tzuyu Danielle
this is not the taehyung that I know

Taehyung KT
maybe you don't really know me

Nayeon NY
wow amazing honeys

Nayeon NY
And tzuyu, congrats. You won the challenge.

Jin Verse


Nayeon NY
I gave tzuyu a challenge and that is to make a fake confession to jungkook and make everyone else believe.

Sana Danielle
what the hell?!?!?!

everyone fought for nothing

Nayeon NY
But because taehyung made a confession to someone who's not his partner—which is against the rules—he will get kick out from the group. But since this game is about to end, we will not find a replacement for taehyung, and tzuyu will be proclaim as the winner.

Momo Dynama
no fucking way

Nayeon NY
It's just sad tho tzuyu accepted the challenge for taehyung but now he's leaving

Nayeon NY

Jeongyeon Fàwn removed Taehyung KT from the conversation.

Hoseok Gourmé
I still can't believe this

Tzuyu Danielle
remove me too

Nayeon NY

Tzuyu Danielle
I fell. I lost.

Tzuyu Danielle
I fell in love with him, remove me too.

Nayeon NY
okay then

Jeongyeon Fàwn removed Tzuyu Danielle from the conversation.

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