Chapter 11: One Video

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Brennen had hung up on Colby only a few minutes ago when Colby said he was on his way. Brennen walked around his apartment, not knowing what else there was for him to do.

"Kobe, what am I gonna do?" Kobe just looked at Brennen tilting his head. "I don't know where you get your cuteness from." Brennen smiled and chuckled to himself. Brennen flopped down on his couch and sighed. "What am I gonna do though. I still have feelings for him but, after what he did. How can I?"

Colby went to go out of the house and ran into Corey. "Hey Colby what's the rush?" "Oh nothing, I'm just going over to Brennens." Corey looked confused for a minute but then nodded and said, "Cool. Well have fun oh and Colby one more thing." "Yeah. What's up?" "Is there really something going on between you two? You guys just hang around a lot so I was just thinking about it and all that shit like you know what I-" "Yeah we are. Well were." Corey looked concerned and asked, "Well what happened? You two seem good together. Happy." Colby looked at Corey with his eyes tearing up. "I made a mistake. I basically left him to go with another guy that I knew wasn't right for me. I just wish I could take it all back."

Corey looked sad and rubbed Colby's shoulders. It'll be okay Colby I swear. Maybe you can take it all back. All you have to do is apologize. Genuinely." Colby nodded and walked towards the door. "Thank you Corey. I will." "Hey Colby?" Colby turned back with a hm? sound as he looked at Corey. "I'm always gonna be here. I know that I don't really understand feelings that you have but I'm always here to help either way. I mean that." "Thank you." Colby walked out the door and got into his car trying to form the best apology in his head.

Brennen kept getting up and sitting back down before he decided enough was enough and he had to do something to get his mind off of everything. At least before Colby came. "Come on pick up." Brennen talked into his phone still waiting for the line to be picked up. "Hey Brennen. You okay?" "Yeah yeah I'm fine Corinna. It's just. Colby's coming over."

"Colby? I thought he-" "Yeah he did but he called me trying to make things right. I think he deserves a place to explain himself." "Okay Brennen just be careful okay. I don't know if I can eat any more ice cream." Brennen chuckled and thanked Corinna and hung up and sat down. More relaxed now that Corinna had helped.

Brennen heard a knock on the door. "Time for this video."

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