Chp 7- YorkNew City

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters
I finally arrived to my destination and I couldnt have been happier. My ass was sore from sitting on the uncomfortable train seats. But before I got off my train, I left Shalnark a gift for goodluck.

Shalnark's POV
When I woke up I noticed I was by myself on the train. She was gone. I wished she stayed a little longer. I saw something on the seat in front of me. It was a note. Next to the note was a lavender tunic.  She works pretty fast and I didnt even notice when she made it.

"Thank you for being such a kind person. Who knows if we might run into eachother again hopefully we do, I hope the tunic fits you and I really do hope you like it, good luck in the hunter exam!- (Y/N)"

Hopefully we do run into eachother other again.

Your POV
It was really crowded here in YorkNew City. I felt odd and insecure considering that there was alot of beautiful woman who were much taller than I was. I looked like a kid compared to everyone else. 

"I wish I had a plan before coming here... where am I going to sleep? its not like its the first time"

After walking around for hours I finally found a spot.  It was close to an alley way. I didnt have much option. As I was about to sleep I heard footsteps coming. Paranoid I quickly put my contacts back on and sat there silently. Didnt even get a chance to close my eyes.
*5 months later*
I finally found a job. It wasnt the nicest place but it paid enough to provide for myself. I worked at a fast food resturant. It was always busy but I wasnt complaining because it kept me busy. The uniform wasnt the best but I couldnt do anything about it obviously. 

I went to the staff room to change out of that nasty and tight orange uniform. The visor wasnt any better. I always closed the place and lowkey it was creepy because by this time it was dark. It was around 11 p.m. It was colder than usual. As I was walking I saw a group of people. It seemed to be 3 guys and one girl they all seemed kinda suspicious. I decided to follow them. I dont know why and I couldnt back out now because I was already far from the city. I was using my zetsu to hide my aura the whole time I was following them

"Oi i'll be back"

"Where are you going?"

Before I could do anything I was pinned to the floor with nails sharp as knives right next to my neck

"Don't move or die, why you follow?" said the man. We made eye contact. I was only able to see his eyes since he was wearing a bandana to hide the rest of his face.


"Hey feitan what are you doing-" A tall man with what seemed to be a ponytail appeard, his face was priceless I couldn't help but laugh a little bit

"Why you laugh!?"

"Let her go" said the female

"Me no take orders"

"Just let her go, we'll take her with us " said another man he was quite huge, they were all distracted. I took this as a advantage to try and escape. I kicked him off of me and ran as quick as fast I could. He had caught me and grabbed my arm. I yanked it which caused him to flip over me and land on his feet.  He yanked me towards him but I lost balance.

"Owww! what the hell?" I slowly pulled myself up and looked around and saw that everyone was just staring with somewhat wide eyes.

"What are you guys looking at?" I looked around to see what they were looking until I realized what it was. I was on top of him.

"You..." I got off of him as fast as I could, his face filled with rage

"ENOUGH! we didnt come here to fight. You'll be coming with us." said the female and she helped you up. You were put in the middle between the two tall men. I could feel the short man glaring at me.

Feitans POV
Stupid girl, she made me look like fool. She seem strong but not more than me. She made wrong choice. This might be fun.
Its like 1 a.m right now and im still up writing chapters anyway hope you liked! muah

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