chapter 5

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Okay thank God

So basically I'm just going to write this as if I was telling the story in person because because formal with writing really ain't my thing and tbh rhe only reason I'm really writing again is because people are interested now apparently 😂 anyways

So at this point I'm 14 ish like I said and my brother was probably 1 maybe 2 if we're pushing it, and my mom is starting her hermitcrab days where she sits in bed all day and plays on either my iPad or ipod watches tv or uses all the minutes on my phone. Which my dad sent me from Alberta so I could talk to him. I mean youd think I'd have gotten one phone call off the thing but nah, by the time I got it its basically useless. But well she was living the highlife of videogames all day and food delivered to her from me I was spending everyday exactly how I spent everyday before that.

Wake up to luke screaming at me to get out of bed
Go to school
Come home
Change my brother
Watch him
Clean house well watching him
Make supper well watching him
Put him to sleep
Go to bed

It was rough, and man am I happy that's not what I do everyday anymore. But I didnt have any idea how long it was going to go on for. Originally it was a punishment as I had gotten myself in trouble for something probably dumb and luke overreacted. Before luke I had never had a grounding longer then 1 week, yet for some reason as soon as he stepped into my life I turned into a "horrible kid" so I was constantly grounded. And I bet theres some people out there like "you werent CONSTANTLY grounded that's like impossible" but guess what sis I proved you wrong. The longest time period I've been grounded was for 11 months straight, but usually I would only get ungrounded for about a couple days or a week before luke decided he was lazy and didn't want to watch the kid or needed help with some bullshit he was doing outside or in the trailer. He would call me groundhog as a joke saying that I was just there to grab him whatever he needed. At one point I was wishing he just wanted me to pass him the tools and eye the wood blocks carefully, but that story Is for a different chapter then this one

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