not chapter 4

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Depression sucks
It's like theres constantly a fist in my ribs, yet my head is almost empty. I feel lost and empty. I can sit up for hours thinking, but also never thinking. Like I'm floating through the emotional sea and I feel everything but my mind doesn't register anything. For hours.

Fuck depression though man. It sucks ass. There are times when it feels as though there is no reason to continue moving forward and I've fought for life to much to be able to give it up now.

I'm sick of feeling empty and lost. I strive towards love and happiness and affection yet I get shit on for it. Im sick of people using me for their gain. I'm sick of feeling like life isnt worth it anymore.

What do you do to get yourself out of your feelings and back to yourself when you barely feel anymore

How do you get you life under control when you dont even know why it isnt anymore

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