chapter two

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The three of us lived on our own in our new apartment for a bit. I even ended up making a new friend named Nick. usually I would go to his house instead of staying at mine from the time I woke up until I needed to go home and eat. by the time E was around 2 or 3 my mom had met a new man. Mark . He had a daughter close to the age of Eva and they instantly became best friends. Mark never actually lived with me and my mom, he would usually just come for the day and leave. He was by far the best boyfriend my mom had ever had, yet she ended it. she felt wrong dating him because "she wasn't happy." I found out later what had actually happened was she was raped. Not by Mark, apparently it was one of her friends.

by this time my third year was just about half way through. A while after the Mark situation my mom met yet another man. Luke. The only name in the book i'm keeping exactly the same. At first I thought Luke was a great person, I loved that my mom was with him. I even gave him permission to marry her. This became my biggest regret for years. 

My moms and Luke's relationship was a lot like hers and Marks at first in the sense that he didn't live with us for a while. I continued going to Nicks, and living my third grade life. Until my mom announced that we would be staying with Luke and his son. This one thing created a ripple of change in my life that I was not ready for. luckily by this time school was about out so i didn't have to worry about changing schools yet. 

The day I met Luke I was nervous. I obviously wanted him to like me, but I also didn't know if I was going to like him. As we walked up to his white apartment i felt something i had never felt before; anxiety. Little did i know this was only the first case of many many more. 

when Luke opened the door i knew i didn't like him. Something about him gave me the creeps. it was awkward and i just wanted to meet his kid. 

"Chance is inside if you'd like to go in and play" Luke said to me upon noticing my awkwardness. Chance was his son. As soon as I had the go ahead i instantly opened his door and went down the long stairs leading into his living room. Luke's apartment was pretty small. it was a two bedroom, but one of the bedrooms was filled by his roommate so Luke slept in the living room with my mom and Eva. This also meant I had to sleep on a mattress on the floor. I'm not that picky about where i sleep as long as i have a blanket and a pillow, but in this instance I was sleeping on the floor next to my new "step brother" who snored and wet the bed. peachy. 

Chance was in our now shared room so I just walked right in. 

"hello?" he asked me with many layers of confusion etched into the word. 

"Hey i'mLexie." 

"oh? you are?" he said some how with more confusion than before.

"yeah, who did you think I was?"

"i just thought you were going to be a boy." That sentence is the only reason i gave our friendship a chance. luckily i did because me and Chance ended up becoming good friends from this. he showed me his Pokemon and Lego collections. we bonded over a mutual love of Lego which i didn't know i had and played for the rest of the night.

My stay at Luke's ended pretty soon and we all ended up moving back into my moms apartment. This meant i now had to share a room with my sister. This also made my mom get a lot stricter which i didn't expect. We didn't end up staying at this apartment long either and moved yet again. I still had to share a room but I ended up really liking the new apartment. for the rest of the summer i played outside with the next door neighbors and made new friends at my babysitters house. Until we started planning to move. Again. 

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