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They all suck no matter where you are, how old you are or who's around you. What makes these fresh starts worse is when you move to a new town and know you have to start school halfway through term knowing absolutely nobody.

That's the predicament I found myself in. When my younger sister died my dad couldn't take it anymore. He split from my mom. I mean they would constantly fight anyway but I'm just mad he didn't take me with him. When he moved back to his home town that's when things started getting bad.

Real bad.

Now, mom isn't a bad person but she fell into some pretty bad habits. First, it was marijuana to try and numb the pain. Then the coke came to try and take away the memories. And finally the useless sons of bitches who always asked for payments in more ways than one.

Sober, mom was kind and thoughtful. The most caring woman you could ever meet. But once she got hooked she turned into a monster. The monster didn't care who it hurt and by how much; as long as it got its fix. After the first time, I felt numb. To be honest I don't think I've ever truly felt something since.

I couldn't hold it against her. How could I? She lost the light of her life and it tore her apart. As I started growing up though and the occasional outburst became a regular occurrence I knew I had to leave. There was no way I could grow in a place with poisoned routes.

So that's what I did. I packed my red duffel bag full of clothes and a few momentums I managed to save once mum started selling all our stuff. Walking down the worn-in stairs of our apartment I took one last look at my mom passed out on the couch and left my keys on the side before closing the door and walking out.

Ohio was never that great anyway. Not after my sister.

It took me about 5 minutes to walk to the local bus station. No one was there apart from the stewardess in her booth. She looked pretty bored as if an hour felt like a day in that little booth. Ironically I found it rather peaceful because I got to watch the world go by (which is best done in silence).

4 hours the bus was going to take to Hawkins. 4 hours alone with my thoughts. I guess I didn't really know what to expect when I got there. One thing was for sure and that was that my father wasn't going to be the same person as when he left.

Scared of my own thoughts I decided to listen to some music on my walkman. Putting in my favorite queen album I tried to drift off into a comfortable slumber. Butterflies seemed to form in my stomach at the thought that I might have actually found somewhere that resembles home.Stepping off the bus I felt a wave of anxiety hit me.

Liting up a smoke I couldn't help but think what if he didn't like me. I knew I couldn't go back to Diane so I guess id just have to make it work."You know those nicotine sticks will kill you sweet cheeks". The hairs went up on the back of my neck as I froze in place. Then a boy appeared from behind a blue Camaro. He had long golden locks and piercing blue eyes. The kind that can just cut through you like a knife.

"No offense but your not my type," I say with a smirk to the stud who is most definitely my type. Walking up to me he lits up his own cigarette and takes a drag. " I haven't seen you around and id remembers a pretty face like that, what's your name sweet cheeks?" Billy asked a curious twinkle in his eyes

"No" was my only response. "No?" he replied sounding more like a question. Slowly he started to strut closer to me. I've met boys like this before and they only want one thing... "I'll break your heart," I say with an honest smile.

"what if I break yours?" he retorted, a coy smile playing at his lips as he takes another drag. closing the distance between us I take one good look at his face. "Nobody breaks my heart."With that, I walk straight past the mysterious boy making sure to our shoulders collided. It was at that moment that I knew Hawkins was going to be different and I wasn't going to let anybody shit on me. Not anymore.

Walking through the small town I stumbled upon the police station. Someone, there must have been able to help me, hanging onto that thought I climbed up the steps feeling pretty hopeful about what this town has in store for me.

The receptionist at the station was called Flo. She appeared to be a woman in her late 50's, early 60's. Despite her age, she held a welcoming smile. "Now how can I help you dear?" she asked almost eager to hear what I had to say.

"I need some help finding my dad, you see I've just moved here and he said he would meet me at the bus stop but he must have fallen asleep and I don't know his address, please help me". It wasn't a complete lie. I was here to find my dad and I didn't know his address so it's not technically lying right?

"Okay hon walks down that corridor and the first door on your right you'll find our chief of police. don't worry he won't bite but just a warning he's not the friendliest man you'll ever meet" she stated stifling her laughter. "Oh and if you need anything else I'm always here hon"

First I knocked on the door thinking of what lies I could come up with in case he started doubting my story "come in" I heard from the other side of the door. It sounded like a man in his mid 30's bored out of his mind. Stepping inside of the room I felt my heart drop.



au: I did it! id don't know why but I felt really inspired to write a billy fic so I hope you all enjoy and that this turns out half as good as I think it will in my head.

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