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for a town with no social life it sure new how to hold a damm good party. with a red solo cup in one hand and a cigarette hanging out the other I was having a pretty good time.  as it was halloween I decided to dress up as Sandy from grease wearing the iconic leather trousers and off the shoulder top.

walking out side I saw billy out of the corner of my eye, doing a keg stand. typical boys puffing there chest out and showing off. "we have a new keg king" I heard Tommy shout to our peers, gushing at billy.

"won't you look at that sweet cheeks, Hawkins needs a man like me", he spoke sauntering his way over to me. I just scoffed, how godly did he think he was. " oh my hero" I sarcastically said leaning in but at the last minute walking into the kitchen to pour myself another whiskey.

taking one last drag of my cig and discarding it in a glass ashtray, I started scouting out something a little more fun. I mean I'm 17 and at a party with no high hopes towards the future so why draw the line at booze?

finding white powder snorted a line on the kitchen counter. I wasn't worried if anybody saw me, after all they didn't even know who I was. with the irony in this moment I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, the cops daughter dragging this town down by its ankles whilst the chief is actually making an effort to make it better for once.

feeling more buzzed by the second I started to dance, holding my arms up in the air and swaying to the cheesy pop music. all my cares had finally been drowned away. "your perfect" billy whispered in my ear, swaying with me. "nothings ever perfect'' I slurred back, my speech becoming more drawn out by the second.

"Let's take this party up a notch jess" billy spoke dragging me into a more quiet corridor. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. they reminded me of the ocean, so calm and bright. my feet felt like they were cemented into the ground. not breaking eye contact billy lent in.

every moment I spend with him I could feel my walls breaking down. my barriers were slipping from my grasp and honestly it scared me but overall it excited me.

Kissing billy wasn't exactly how I expected. There were no fireworks or butterflies, no initial spark I could feel but there was passion. In that moment I knew me and billy were destined for trouble, a modern day bonnie and Clyde.

when he pulled away that's when the mood all changed. the room felt like it was constantly spinning, it was almost like I was stuck in time whilst everyone was moving around me. billy looked terrified and started screaming "call 911, help" but I didn't understand why. that's when I realised I was on the floor, and my head was bleeding.

as soon as I saw the blood I passed out. wether it was from the copious amount of drugs passing through my veins or the adrenaline rush by confronting my feelings with billy, I wasnt in any pain. it actually felt quite peaceful slipping away.

whilst one of hoppers daughter were falling from reality his other one was sulking." hey kid open up alright I know im late. I got candy here alright, I got all the good stuff." hopper paused starting to bang on the door with more urgency.

"please will you open the door I am going to freeze to death out here". just as hopper went to bang it one more time eleven swung it open with her powers. the fist thing Jim noticed that was different was the tv was in els room.

" hey kid open up, would you?I got...urgh stuck somewhere, and I lost track of time". when begging for el to open her bedroom door got him nowhere Jim llied down on the couch, candy at his hip.

eleven was to busy trying to contact mike to are though. blind folded and sitting infront of the tv which was playing static was eleven. she was watching mike sitting in his basement with his walkie talkie, hoping she was there. what he didn't realise was that she really was.

the childish bickering came to a halt when els vision suddenly flicked to a party. there were so many faces she couldn't make out. eleven had to fight her way through the crowd but when she finally did nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see.

there, lying down in the middle of a huge circle was jess. at first eleven thought maybe she had fallen over or that it was some kind of sick joke. that thought quickly faded from her mind when she noticed that people were screaming and crying.

el could here the sounds of sirens and panicked quickly snapping back to the present. pulling off her blindfold and wiping the blood from her nose, she ran straight out her bedroom. "oh look who wants candy now" hopper sarcastically joked but deadpanned as soon as he say els face.

"eleven what's wrong?" hopper started to question however all he got was a measly "its jess". immediately Jim stood up and started pacing around the tiny cabin. "jess, what's happened to jess?where is she? is she in trouble?". the more hopper panicked the more it stressed eleven out. all she knew was that something had gone seriously wrong.

thankfully the landline started to ring. Jim picked up the phone nervously tapping on the wall. " hey chief I think you better get down to the station now. we've got a girl about seventeen who seems to of overdosed."



This hasn't been edited bc cba but I'll do it in the morning🤞🏻 apologies for how much of a mess this chapter is. ive had this idea in my head for a week but probably butchered the execution ah well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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