(Start in the Neksdor Desert. Zoom in on DAPH-NII's feet walking on the sand in cute purple flats. The GUARDIAN's pendant is around her neck. ANNALISE trails behind her.)
Daph-Nii-It's just me and my horse walking through the desert. What did I come here for again?
Guardian-To go after the Dark Lord?
Daph-Nii-I remember now! I'm going after the Dark Lord!
(She sees an HP Banana on the ground.)
Daph-Nii-Ooh, a banana. Cool.
(She puts the banana in her satchel and keeps walking.)
Daph-Nii-Speaking of cool, it's a lot cooler than I remember. And brighter.
Guardian-Daph-Nii, we're in a desert. It's supposed to be very hot.
Daph-Nii-Yes, and I remember it being much hotter.
Guardian-This isn't exactly the right outfit to be tromping around in the desert in.
Daph-Nii-Shut up, Gwardian. You're the one who gave me this dress.
Guardian-I only gave it to you reluctantly.
(DAPH-NII is already ignoring him, staring off into space.)
Daph-Nii-What is my purpose in life? When's something gonna happen?
Guardian-I mean, that banana is something.
Daph-Nii-But I was thinking, like, a battle.
Guardian-You want a battle? I'll show you a battle.
Daph-Nii-And what's that supposed to-
(A scaredy-scorpion rises out of the sand.)
Daph-Nii-Whoops, and there's a battle.
(Opening theme.)
Daph-Nii-Guardian, was this your doing?
Guardian-I swear it wasn't. The Dark Lord's monsters are very conveniently placed.
Daph-Nii-I can't wait to show off my new weapon!
(She reaches into her new skirt and pulls out a microphone.)
Guardian-Now, Daph-Nii, you're new in the Pop Star job, so I recommend you take it easy for your first battle.
Daph-Nii-Screw it.
(The scaredy-scorpion attacks her.)
Daph-Nii-And of course it goes first! I don't have dat thief speed anymore. I'll show you!
(She attacks by throwing her microphone. Then she just sorta stands there.)
Daph-Nii-You mean you're not gonna attack me?
(Shot of the scaredy-scorpion cowering.)
(She attacks again. The scaredy-scorpion attacks her back. DAPH-NII attacks one more time, defeating the scaredy-scorpion.)
Daph-Nii-See? There. Done. Yeet!
(Fade to that evening. DAPH-NII is walking again.)
Daph-Nii-I'm a bit nervous. What if this is the part of the game when it starts getting hard?
Daph-Nii-Yeah! Didn't you already hear my analogy in the first season about how we're all characters in the big RPG of life?
Guardian-First season?!
Daph-Nii-Yeah! What we did in Greenhorne! Remember my analogy about how we're all characters in the big anime of life?
Miitopianime! (Season 2)
FanfictionThis is Season 2. Please read Season 1 first if you don't want to feel completely lost. "Miitopianime!"-Putting the high in high fantasy! This show is based on the Nintendo game "Miitopia" but lacks the family-friendly quality. Miitopia was a peacef...