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I hadn't really passed out, I mean I was still conscious just really angry. What was his problem? Marcus had never acted like that, and yeah I understand that he was a vampire now and all that junk but I didn't think he would push me away, and I most definitely didn't think he would attack me! Sebastian put me down on the couch. The rest of the drake family came into the living room.

"Nia! Are you okay? What happened?" Duncan ran to my side, his face etched with worry.

"Well Marcus decided to have a late night snack." Sebastian said with a tint of anger.

"He what!" Connor yelled. I tried to stand up but I got super dizzy. I didn't notice until then that I hadn't stopped bleeding. I fell into Duncan's arms.

"Nia? Um... guys... she hasn't stopped bleeding..." Duncan pointed out. I didn't see Sebastian so I assumed that he had to leave because of the way my blood had smelt.

"We should really help her instead of just stand around all night guys!" The Drake brothers started to run around the house to try and find things to stop the blood.

"Got some bandage and gauze!" Connor said and ran into the living room. Duncan set me back down on the couch and wrapt the bandage and gauze around my neck.

"Will she be okay?" 11 year old Nicholas asked.

"She should be fine. She might just need some rest. You guys go play and I'll wait here with her." Duncan sat down on the couch and put me on his lap. I lied me head down on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Three months later.

Three months... three months and Marcus and I haven't talked. To be honest it's driving me crazy. The out house the Drakes had made me was finished . I moved all my stuff, with the help of Nicholas and Logan, to the house. Most of the time I spent my time singing along to my, what Quinn would call "emo", music and read my books, but in everything I did I could only think of Marcus. I missed him... but... but he attacked me... he lost his control once... who's to say he won't again ... in that mear moment he was no longer a vampire... no longer a Drake... he wasn't... he wasn't... human.

I lost all the control I had left and broke down into tears. I didn't even try and hold them back, I just cried.

"Nia? Are you okay?" Quinn came in. I sniffled and wiped my eyes

"Yeah, I'm fine. Whatcha need?" I turned around. He didn't look convince.

"Ni, what's up?" Even though I was older, the Drake brothers had always treated me like a little sister, even though it bothered the heck out of me (they knew this and I assume that they did that because of how annoying it was.) He tossed his arm around me.

"I said nothing Quinn." I shrugged his arm off.

"Nia I'm just trying to help."

"I don't need help! Quinn I'm not a child!"

"Okay." He took a safe step back. "Uncle Geoffrey wanted to see you anyways." He said and walked out.

Great now I hadn't lost one Drake brother but I was pushing all the others away. I tossed on some shoes and went to Geoffrey's barn.

When I walked in I didn't see Geoffrey I only saw Marcus, who was too busy focused on some science junk to notice I walked in. My heart sank, I wanted to go up to him and just talk like nothing happened... but something had happened.

"You know it's better to talk to him than to just stand there." Geoffrey came up behind me, I screamed out of surprise. Marcus jumped as well.

I felt Geoffrey throw some type of liquid on me and then I was surrounded by flames. I wasn't even able to process what had happened because the fire was also spreading onto me.

The warmth of the fire burned my skin, I started to sweat, I choked on ash, which was not good for my asthma, the flames lashed at my clothes leaving behind burns. I could only hear a faint mumbleish yell over the roar of the fire. At this point the heat, and little oxygen (due to my asthma) was really getting to me, I wanted to fall down and sleep. I almost did but then two arms grabed me. The next thing I knew the cool of night was calming my sweat soaked skin, but the burns still well... burned... badly. I still couldn't breath.

"Oh... Nia c'mon.... Sebastian! I need Nia's inhaler!" I heard the familiar voice call... Marcus....

I wasn't really able to compensate what had happened but somehow I was able to breathe again but the fire had not niped my skin, but instead had completely bitten it, there were many burns and they were so painful I wanted to die.

"Nia? Nia? Are you okay? Nia, can you hear me? Nia?" Marcus was shaking me. I only groaned in a painful response. "Nia!" Marcus picked me up again, I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran me into the farm house.

"Mom! Dad! We need help!" Sebastian yelled, his voice filled with worry. The Drakes ran into the kitchen followed by Lucky Hamilton, a little human girl who was Solange's best friend.

"What the heck happened?" Helena raised her voice.

"This is Uncle Geoffrey's idea of trying to mend friendships." Marcus explained.

"Makes sense." Liam shrugged.

Marcus tried to put me down on the counter but I wouldn't let go of his neck. "Nia, you need to let me go." He ran his hand over my head. I let go.

Let's just say there was a lot of ice, and bandages involved.

I must've fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed. It was still dark outside so I got up, wanting to go see Marcus but pain shot through my body. I yelped and lied back down. I hear a chuckle come from the doorway. I looked up and saw Marcus.

"Oh wow, I'm glad that me in pain is amusing to you." I rolled my eyes.

"No it's... it's not that." He shook his head and walked to the side of the bed. "It's the fact that Uncle Geoffrey's way of trying to mend our friendship actually worked. I mean it was absolutely crazy... but... it worked." He sat in the chair next to my bed.

"Yeah I guess it did." I smiled.

Marcus grabbed a bag of ice that I hadn't seen on the floor. He put it on one of the burns.

"I'll go get some more ice." He got up but I grabbed his wrist.

"No... stay... please... I haven't talked to you in three months... I wanna talk."

"Nia, look you're in pain, ice will help." He looked at me sympathetically. I shook my head.

"No, get Sebastian to do it. I want to talk to you." He sighed but sat down.

And for the rest of the night we talked and laughed.

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