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Okay so this is a monologue I wrote for theater.If you don't know what a monologue is, it's basically a 3-5 minute dialogue from the POV of a single character. We had 4 things to choose from and I chose the monologue, i had to write a monologue in the POV from an original character. Me putting the pro in procrastination I waited until 11:00 the night before this stuff was due to go flipping through my fanfics trying to find something long enough for the project (this was also a major grade might I mention). And as everything else in my life, I couldn't do it. I couldn't fins ANYTHING in the thousands of fanfic I have that was long enough or well written to use. So, knowing that if I got anything lower than a 98 in theater my parents would murder me I had to use my skills of writing to crate something. It took me 45 more minutes taking old fanfic things and rewriting them to make it sound good. And then I remembered (due to the fact that I'm currently rereading the series for the 4th time) this story.  And well, Nia is an original character. So what did I do? I wrote my monologue, my fingers flying across the keyboard, thinking about what the basics of what I wanted to say were, I wrote this in less than 30 minutes. I printed it out and then stayed up till after 1:30 editing and marking my script making it to what sleep deprived insomniac me thought was perfect. then I got up at 7:00 and got onto the computer used the marked script to edit the digital one, and then when I felt like I couldn't do anything else. I turned it in.  

And the teacher LOVED it.  I felt so proud of myself that not only my teacher liked something I wrote, but that she liked something a sleep deprived, crazy high school theater kid, fangirl, wacko like me wrote in under 30 minutes.... So here it is. 

       Hey, I'm Nia. And I'm so not normal. On any scale. My life is crazy, the people I live with are insane, and I'm surrounded by chaos... constantly! I'm pretty sure you know something about vampires, i mean didn't almost EVERY teen girl read twilight at some point? Now if you read it, leave. Forget everything Twilight has taught you about vampires because it's fake. All of it. YES vampires are real, NO, vampires don't sparkle, YES they are a thorn in my side,NO, they don't burn to ash when in sunlight,YES they have super human speed, NO they aren't all suave and mysterious (They are actually like are normal people... ), YES I live with 13 of them, NO my life isn't a romance novel, YES, there are multiple types of vampires, NO garlic doesn't do anything. Okay, Now that we've covered the basics Let me tell you my story.

I'm part witch, part mind reader. And I HATE it. Do you know how hard it is to organise the thoughts of literally every person that is in the room? It starts a jumbled mess and then it gets worse from there, Do you KNOW how many times I've blacked out because my brain was about to explode with all the thoughts of all the Drake brothers. It's insane. I live with the Drakes because my family was murdered by feral vamps called Hel-Blar, they're these blue tinted things that smell of sewer water and rotten mushrooms and have several rows of fangs. You know like the vampires in Supernatural. Anyways, that happened and the Drakes were the closest thing to family that I had. And here's the even crazier part, my best friend, Marcus Drake, is also my Boyfriend. And can I say, having a vampire for a boyfriend adds to the insanity that I call my life.

let me say this first, for hundreds of years every Drake that has been born and not turned has been male. And there was also this crazy lady who had a seizure in Scotland some time after Anne Boylne got her head sliced off, saying something about a blood-born Drake woman ruling over the tribes. Marcus's sister Solange, was born and everyone went nuts. Solange just recently went through the blood change, where she attracted almost every male vampire with her blood change pheromones, her Aunt almost died due to being blasted with U.V infused water that vampire hunters call holy water, and Solange almost died because she just barely got the blood she needed in time. After she changed this guy tried to make her his bride so he could be king of the vampires and have itty bitty vampire babies running around but then we killed him, lost yet? No well, Her mother became Queen of the vampires and that cause even more chaos with several people trying to kill her which the dumbest thing you could literally do is try and kill Helena Drake, but then Lucy, a human friend of the family, her cousin got kidnaped and turned by these other vampires, Still not lost? COnfused? Okay, then Solange got possessed by the ghost of the last vampire queen who was a blood-born Drake instead of turned. And then Solange almost killed her boyfriend which is kinda ironic since he's the one who's a vampire hunter. Are you confused now? Yeah that's what I thought.

So now that we've got our problems all sorted out our life is amazing right? No, more and more things pop up, Duncan recently got a new vampire girlfriend named Sky and turns out that her family was also trying to kill us, I kinda think that saying "getting kidnaped and killed... wasn't the scariest thing in my life" Is honestly kinda worrisome. But after all that Lucy's parents came back from some trip they were on and boy have you ever seen hippies get super angry? Lucy looked terrified but for us It was scary in a funny way.

Moral of the story, next time you say " I wanna be like Bella from twilight" or " Vampires are so cool I wanna be a vampire, or have a vampire boyfriend." Please refer back to this and then rethink everything you've wanted to be real. Because it's better if you think this is all just a fictional tale. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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