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When I woke up it was still a bit lighted outside but the sun had obviously gone down. I became bored and decided to go and watch Nia sleep. When I got to her house the front door was unlocked. Which was odd since she had always locked the door at night. I went up to her room only to find her bed empty. So I went looking in the farm house, no luck, so I went to go see if she was back at the shed, again... no luck I began to worry and I told my parents what was going on.

"Mom! Dad!" I ran into the house again.

"Marcus? What's wrong?" Dad asked.

"It's Nia! She's not anywhere... I-I-..." I tried not to cry. "I looked everywhere..."

"We'll find her okay Marcus." My mother sighed. "We will not allow anyone hurt her." For some reason I felt like they were already too late for that one.

"Mom.... what if... what if she's not okay? What if she's already dead... mom this is... it's all my fault..." I let go and cried. Was I embarrassed? Yes, we weren't only guys but we were Drake boys, we never cried. Did I care? No, I loved Nia and I couldn't lose her.

With everyone  all dealing with problems, and all different problems collectively I felt like it was my job to find Nia. But I needed to protect Solange as well I all of this. I couldn't lose my baby sister to some low rate asshat. But I could lose the girl I liked to him either. I had to make a decision, protect Solange or save Nia.

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