CHAPTER 3 "betrayal" (Luisa)

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My head pounded as I tried to take in my surroundings, wincing as rust from the metal chair cut into the back of my thighs. I was chained like an animal. Sweat dripped from me, soaking my clothes and making them stick uncomfortably to me.

The room was small and dark. Like a cell with one LED light above me. My vision swirled as shadows danced. There was a huge mirror across from me. My reflection startled me, my skin was shallow and my hair flat. But despite my dire situation I wasn't scared.

Rolling my eyes, despite my headache I sighed. Utterly exhausted. Here we go again.

Three men walked in.

Something about their saunter and swagger made me want to laugh. I really couldn't be bothered with all this again. The first kidnapping was terrifying, but this was Childs play really. I just wanted to be home, curled up in bed with tea and a good book. I wasn't in the mood to go through whatever scare tactic this was. After all, Rose always found me and saved me in the nick of time. My knight in shining armour, if you will.

The men looked me up and down, smirking grimly. Their eyebrows danced suggestively as my face twisted into disgust. The silence killed me, but I would be damned if I was the first to speak.

Finally one spoke.

"Rose never really loved you."

Great! Mind games. Their faces turned serious as I ignored them.

"Did you hear me?"

"Looks like we got ourselves a handful here boys!"

"Great, I love them feisty."


"You heard me right."

"Fuck off."

They laughed. It made my stomach turn.

"She's watching you. At least when she wakes up that is. Then all the fun will begin."

"If you look at that monitor you can see her unconscious."

I watched the figure, the hood hiding their appearance. It couldn't be her. It wasn't. A woman appeared and struck the person hard with a metal pole. I watched them recoil in pain and fury. It didn't feel real, like I was watching a tv show or movie. Eventually the woman pulled the hood off. I knew it was Rose the moment I saw the hair.

"Is this... real or fake?"

The men sneered at my ignorance.

My voice was small and trembled. I didn't want this to be real. Wanted it all to be one big hoax. But it never was with Rose. My skin wet with sweat shivered with anticipation.

"It's as real as the throbbing boner between my legs sweetheart."

I sat still, my eyes squeezed shut. I wouldn't let myself cry in front of these bastards. Rose had a mole working in here, it might even be one of these men. Surely he would do something to stop all this madness.

To test this theory I had to be brave. A sudden adrenaline rush coursed through my veins. Egging me on as I smirked. I decided to push my luck. No way was this happening. Not again. Not so soon.

I spat at them.

It was the most insolent and childish action I could think of.

One of the men stormed towards me, their hand wrapped around my throat, their fingers dug hard into the soft flesh making me yelp in shock. They picked me up, chair and all, holding me high in the air. I struggled for breath, my eyes watering. He held my face close to his and licked my cheek. I felt bile rise to my mouth. One of the others whispered something to him making him drop me. The chair clanged to the floor. Gasping for breath I let the tears fall freely. They all giggled. The worst thought entered my mind. Their reactions proved that it must be real.

There came a scream from the monitor.

Another group carried a body in and let it flop to the floor. By Roses scream I guessed it must have been the mole. We really were helpless now.

Rose shouted and cried as the men circled me. I didn't know how to signal to her that I could see her. I felt so desperately hopeless. The men started to stroke my hair and my arms. Poking and prodding me. Like a bear at a circus.

I knew what was coming.

The worst form of torture isn't the physical but the mental. It haunts you forever.

The second I heard the belt buckle drop I vomited. Over myself and the floor. I had never felt so sick and scared. I pulled at the chains and screamed, my throat was raw and caught in the humid air. They injected me with a sedative. Obviously wanting me to behave. To be compliant.

Still persistent than ever I threw myself from side to side making the chair wobble and tip. The buckle hit the side of my face, I heard a crack as warm blood poured down my neck.

I only remember the first. He shoved himself inside me. I was dry and winced. After that I felt light and dissociated from everything. I kept trying to focus and failed, I could feel my eyes rolling in my head.

I kept my eyes locked on the monitor. Watching Rose as the woman smashed her face up against the glass. making sure her eyes were wide open. She saw everything. She thrashed about trying to escape. But it was no use. They had us.

I tried my best to stay awake to ignore my ...situation.

As the sedatives floated around my blood stream, making my anger boil to a simmer I remembered the police wire.

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