CHAPTER 10 "us..."

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I awoke in a cold sweat, mind racing. There was no time to dwell on the events of last night I had to come up with a plan. Now. I still had a chance. We still had a chance. I chuckled at that. We. Finally. 

My legs were tangled in the sheets and Luisa. Her fists rested atop my chest, head buried into the crook of my neck. Moving the hair from her face I stared at how peaceful and exhausted she looked. Dark circles rimmed her eyes, making her lashes look long and doll like. Pink lips were parted and soft. Like peeled fruit. 

I wished in that moment that we could stay like that. Still and together. 

My thumb swept across her cheek, stroking her tan skin. Her eyes fluttered open. They focused on me, pupils now blown. She began to smile then stopped. Blushing and looking away as she slid off of me. 

The moment was gone. 

Despite that I grinned, the fact she still loved me after what happened made my chest ache whenever I looked at her. 

Pulling my jeans and shirt on I finally spoke up. More to my self than to Luisa.

"I have a couple private islands, I have ways of getting there but it would have to be tonight, the sooner the better."

Luisa looked at me, stretching as she yawned. 

"It would mean cutting ties with everyone, both you and myself". 

It would only be me and her, we would have to sustain ourselves. Make sure nobody would find us. Ever. I would have to leave behind everything I worked for. The empire I had built from nothing. Gone. Excitement spread through my body. 

"Rose, what would happen if I disappeared. Would they search for me?"

"They would. Rafael would get the police and possibly FBI involved. I believe they would link it to me."

"So do I."

"Luisa, I know this may sound crazy but what if we faked a suicide, it's the most believable outcome considering... everything."

My eyes found the floor very interesting at that point, unable to look at her face. 

After a pregnant pause Luisa whispered her agreement, arms hugging her torso. 

"Where do you want-

"The beach."

She answered too quickly, I searched her face. Her posture was stiff and withdrawn. She had obviously thought about this before. Stepping forward I reached for her arm. She violently flinched, eyes flicking up to meet mine. They were filled with so much hurt and sorrow, it made my stomach twist and lurch. 

She scrubbed at her eyes furiously, muttering a quick apology. I frowned in disbelief before pulling her into a tight hug. My lips brushed against her cheek. My actions were a silent apology. I hoped she understood that. Nothing I could say would ever express how sorry I was. My words would have been empty and meaningless. 

We packed a few of Luisa's belongings, a mix of clothes and trinkets. Luisa left her suicide note for her brother to find on the kitchen counter. It was still early in the morning when we left the house, the sun was just starting to rise. Sand crunched beneath our feet as she positioned sneakers and a sweatshirt on the shore. 

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