chapter 7

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Dear jungkook

For my birthday every year you would be the first one to text or callme for my happy birthday. It was the notification i would most look forward to on my birthday. But you didnt even text me at all. I waited May be you had slept in or something. Maybe you forgot because of too much hw from all your periods. Instead i got a message from Jimin. Jimin and you have become super friends now. Not like you and i are but you have been trusting him now and have stoped being protective. Two weeks into our friendship with jimin he asked us if we where dating because of how you would be possessive over me and all the kissed on the forehead. You didnt hesitate to tell him no. You just said it would be wierd to date your best friend.

Do you know how hurt I was because of your words. It was like i was a girl with cuties and you couldnt wait to get away from me. With my heart braking I just laughed and agreed with what you said. Maybe that was a sign that we werent meant to be and that you didnt see me other than being a best friend. I hate it but if that is what makes you happy than I should do it.

I also dont want to be hurting anymore.

When i got to school that morning i came a cross Mia. Yes you guessed it right Mia was the most beautiful girl in school and everyone wanted her not just for her looks but because she could never keep her legs closed when it came to boys. She just walked right past me crashing into my shoulder and just kept walking. At least she didnt hit me this time.

I just continued walking when I got scared when i heared my name being screamed from all the way across the hall way full of teens. And a happy Jimin came running through with balloons and a gift in his hands. He was super happy and hugging me telling me how much he loved me and wishing me happy birthday. It was the nicest thing ever. My parents where always out of town on bussiness trips so i didnt see them much. They always just send cash on my birthday and tell the butler and maid s to buy me a cake and some gifts and for us to celebrate. Sometimes i am so tempted to call Mary the maid, mom because she was there for me when i needed her. When I got my period hse was the one to help me. When I would fall or need help with my hw she was the mother figure there. So was Carlos. He was the butler and he was the closest thing i had to a father. Always telling me to do good in school and picking me up and telling boys to back off just like a dad would .

Jimin would stop talking about how after school him and i would go to the pizza place after school and he would celebrate my birthday. I couldn't say no since i didnt have any plans at all. I bet he was more excited than i was about the whole birthday thing. The bell ringed for class and i still havent gotten my kiss and hug from
You. Maybe you where in soccer practice early in the morning. So i let it slide. Little did i know you where busy sucking on Mia's face while i was waiting for you.

With love

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