chapter 4

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Dear Jungkook

Today wasnt at all how i expected it to go. Our mom decided to make us start walking to school today because our school was closer and they knew we would be safe with each other. When we got to class you sat next me because you promised you would never leave my side since it was a new school. As soon as you got inside the class all the girls wouldnt stop staring at you or talking about how handsome you were. I will say I did get some what jealous of all of the talk about you and how they wanted to be your friends too. I dont know what is wrong with me this days its like i want you all to myself and noone else. Is that too selfish of myself and is it wrong?

We didnt have some clases together which ment o had to go and find some new friends or atleast get through tbw class without you. As i was sitting by myself today some girls were saying mean things about me because i was ugly and not popular enough to be around you like they are. They would whisper but we all knew thwy were talking about me. I. Had to hold my tears in class because I didnt want anyone to be calling me a cry baby about something like crying.

When lunch came around you suggested we seat and eat by the window. And i agreed since i love following what you do. We where almost done with our lunch when some girls came by and pleaded to sit with us during lunch. It was more like with you because as soon as they sat down i was pushed away from the table and the conversations. I decided to play it cool and say i needed to use the restroom just so you wouldn't see my tears.

As i got to the restroom i heared someone enter right after me a d lock the restroom.

It was you with a worried expression on your face and open arms. We both new when the other felt sad and we would always help each other by a simple hug we would share
It was our secret comfort to one another. You saw how unfair the girls where treating me and you peomised me that no one would ever replace me because I was super special to you in your heart. And i believed you because you where my best friend.

With love

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