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As I stepped up onto the tour bus, I let out a quiet "wow."

I gazed around the room. There was a full living area, a kitchenette, and towards the back I saw six bunks, 5 with stuff piled on them.

I threw my duffel bag onto the open bed, and I saw Michael walk into the bus. "Hey Aly-Gator."

I rolled my eyes and quickly grabbed a stuffed lion off of his bunk.

"I thought I told you not so call me that!" I hit him in the face with a pillow and ran.

"Hey!" he yelled, coming after me.

"I wouldn't do that," I smirked, holding up the stuffed animal.

His eyes widened. "Not Daniel, you wouldn't!"

"Try me." I ran past him, out the open door and ran into Calum. I handed the lion over to him, and his eyes widened. I put my finger to my mouth, telling him to keep quiet. He started walking the other way as Michael ran up to me and grabbed me.

I was lifted off the ground, and I screamed and started wacking his arms.

"Put me down!" I laughed.

"Give me the lion!"

"I don't have him!"

He set me down and gasped. "Calum!" Michael ran down the hallway, searching for the brunette boy.

I laughed and walked back on the bus, looking at a messy calendar on the wall by the kitchenette.

Tomorrow's stop: California.

I started breathing heavily. I will be performing on yet another stage.

I clasped my hands together, thinking about everything that could go wrong.

I could forget the lyrics

I could get off key

I could pass out.

"You're going to do fine," I heard a deep voice say behind me. I turned around to see Harry standing in the doorway of the bus.

"Did I say that all out loud?" He nodded. "I don't know why I agreed to this tour. I can't perform in front of more people and-"

"Yes you can." He looked into my eyes. "I know you can. You're really talented, Alyssa." He gave me a quick hug before walking off the bus.

I walked over to the empty bunk, only now realizing how tired I am. I collapsed on the bed, falling asleep instantly.



I stepped onto the bus, and I heard soft snores from one of the bunks.

"Well that can't be Michael," I chuckled, walking back into the bunks. It turned out to be Alyssa, asleep in a half open bunk. She looked like she had just passed out right there.

I smiled. She looked so cute when she sleeped. I shut the rest of the curtain and looked down towards my feet. I have to face the facts. Girls like that don't go for guys like me.

I sighed, and walked out to where the tv was only to see Luke already there, watching How I Met Your Mother.

I groaned. "Luke! you've been watching that for 5 days straight!"

He grinned. "Too bad, Ash. I claim this land," he smacked the seat, "Lukelandia! Besides, its a marathon!"

I groaned again, rolling my eyes at his 'Lukelandia' joke, and decided to watch the show with him anyways. Everytime of of the main characters said a joke, Luke would laugh, no matter how stupid it was.

"So," he smiled, "are you excited to hear Alyssa sing again tomorrow?"

"No! I mean, why would I be? I mean-"

"Aww, you really do like her! Ashton's got a crush!" He clasped his hands together and fluttered his eyes like this was some dumb comedy show.

"Shut up, you'll wake her up," I whispered 

"You do like her, I can tell." Luke smirked and I sighed, giving up the argument.



"So, are you excited to hear Alyssa sing again tomorrow?" I heard somebody, most likely Luke, say.

"No! I mean, why would I be? I mean-" That's Ashton

"Aww, you really do like her! Ashton's got a crush!" I let out a quiet gasp as I continued to listen, still laying in my bunk.

"Shut up, you'll wake her up." Little does he know..

"You do like her, I can tell." I bit my lip, trying not to smile.

"Perhaps I do," Ashton said. "But you can't tell her, no matter what."

"Pinky promise?"


I smiled, then dozed off again.

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Out Of My Limit // irwin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now