Chapter Three.

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Arielle's P.o.v.

"Hey Chris how are you?" I ask him standing my ground when in truth all I want to do is run the other way.

"Better now that you're here." I roll my eyes at his cliché ness.

"Really? How many girls have you used that lame ass line on?" I quirk up one of my eyebrows at him.

His eyes widen a little in surprise before he replies, "Damn, I’ve used it a lot but you're the only one that called me out on that shit."

We laugh softly before a question pops into my head. "What are you doing here anyways? Are you stalking me or something? Because that shit aint cool."

"Well in case you haven't noticed, I work here," he gestures to his navy blue polo which has the stores logo on it.

My face goes bright red as I realize that my attempt to seem tough was a fail. I am about to come up with another snappy retort but MiMi cuts me off. "Hi Cwis!"

"Heyy MiMi!" He says back giving her the same 200 watt smile as before. Damn! Does this mother fucker really have to be so damn perfect?! I mean he could at least do something stupid so that I have a reason not to like him!

"Me and Ellie get to come to the mall every day now for a week!"

"Could that have anything to do with me?" He asks sending me a teasing look.

"Yea-" MiMi starts but I cut her off.

"Nigga please! It doesn't have anything to do with you!" I say even though that is clearly a damn lie, but the last thing I need is for this dude’s ego to grow any larger than it is at this point.

"Alright alright. I was just wondering you can calm yourself down!" He jokes.

We stand there in an awkward silence for a while and it begins to look as if he is trying to build up the courage to say something to me.

"Well if that is all then I guess we'll be going now," I mumble grabbing my CD and heading towards the door.

My walking comes to a halt when I hear footsteps pounding on the floor from behind me. "Hold on for a sec Arielle!"


"Here's my number." He hands me a scrap piece of paper with digits on it.

"Isn't the girl supposed to give the guy her number not the other way around?" I ask looking down at the paper in my hands.

"Would you ever really give me your number?"

"Probably not," I say bobbing my head.

"Exactly my point, so why would I wait for something that's never going to come?" He challenges me his eyes twinkling.

"Maybe it isn't meant to come to you in the first place if you have to wait."

"But what if I want it to?"

"You can't force something that isn't meant to happen."


"Excuse me sexy but I would like to buy this CD," A squeaky voice says and I turn to see this chick practically eye fucking Chris.

"Can you hold on for a-"

"Naww its fine I was finna leave anyways. Bye Chris." And with that I turn with MiMi in tow and head out of the store and this time he doesn't stop me.

"Ellie? What were you and Cwis talking about? I got confused," MiMi tells me looking at me with curiosity shining through her large hazel eyes.

"I did too Baby Girl!" I chuckle.


I look across the bedroom to the dresser where the wrinkled piece of paper lays waiting for me to grab it and call the number on it. I want to call Chris and that's the bad part really I mean I shouldn't want to call him! Because then If I call him then we will talk and I will find something to like about him and that's not good. I'm fine with not knowing the guy at all and not liking him. But that's the thing I actually don't dislike Chris believe me when I say that I want to, but I can't bring myself to dislike him! There's just something about him that draws me to him and it makes me want to find out what it is that makes him tick! And that's what scares me the most is that before I crossed paths with him I was perfectly fine with it being just Baby Girl and I that's all I ever needed, but now if just doesn't seem like enough.

I walk over to my dresser and pick up the small piece of paper, digging into my back pocket for my huge brick of a phone. I listen to the dial tone impatiently both wanting and not wanting him to answer the phone. Suddenly the ringing stops and instead his deep voice carries through the phone. "Hello?"

I just stand there in complete and utter shock. Damn I didn't really expect him to pick up! Instead of replying I say nothing since I can't find the right words to fit this situation.



"Arielle is that you?" He asks unsurely.

Shit! What do I do? Fuck man! Maybe I shouldn’t have called him I mean just because he gave me his number doesn’t mean that he really wants me to call him does it? And then I do the stupidest thing I could have ever done, I hang up in his face.


Isn't Arielle so confusing right? I mean the chick just doesn't know what the hell she wants! One minute she’s all he is so annoying then she’s all I wanna call him! Well comment and tell me what you think of this chapter I really do need some feedback right now to keep me writing. Oh and also the next chapter should be up by this time next week. : )




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