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( unnatural, 11 )𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁

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( unnatural, 11 )

"Take that back, you son of a bitch!"

"You know when you say that you're insulting your mother too."

"I don't care!"

Mikayla spun around, aiming to kick her brother in the side of his thick skull. But he swiftly ducked, dodging another aggressive attack from his sister. Their moves were fast and sharp, Mikayla's especially- this may have been a sparring session, but Mikayla was not holding back.

"Why are you yelling at me exactly?" Lucas blocked three more jabs aimed at his face with his forearms.

"Because you said it was my fault when you were the one that blew the mission!" Mikayla sneered, her attacks becoming quicker with frustration.

"Was not!" Lucas grabbed hold of Mikayla's arm as she tried to punch him. He flipped her to the ground swiftly, but she was quick to recover- rolling out of it and sweeping her leg around, knocking him off his feet. "You were the one that yelled and scared them off."

"You shot me in the shoulder!" On his feet once again, Lucas jumped to land a kick to his twin's side, but she caught ahold of his foot. Flicking her wrist around swiftly, Lucas was tossed into the air. As he flipped through the air, he brought his free foot up, knocking Mikayla's hand from his ankle to free himself.

"You got in my way!" The Maverick boy screamed, exasperated. Mikayla let out a low yell, her anger finally reaching its peak.

"Like behind you is in your way. You. Shot. Me!"

Charging at Lucas, she planted her foot on his bent knee and leapt up to wrap her legs around his neck. Natasha had taught her the move, and it was extremely efficient- but maybe not the best to use against someone who regularly spars with the Black Widow herself. Knowing his sister would pull out this move at one point or another, he was prepared. Right as she was about to swing herself around and drop him, he unhooked her left leg and tossed her to the ground. Getting up with a new fire in her eyes, she began to drop as if she was going to go for his legs again. But as he prepared to jump, Mikayla planted her hand on the mat and landed a solid kick to his chest. Lucas flew back into the glass panels that lined the room, effectively shattering them.

"Alright that's enough!" Fury's voice boomed as he entered the room. Lucas rolled to his feet and brushed the glass from his shoulders. Neither Maverick twin had time to react before the Director grabbed their upper arms harshly and began dragging them from the partially destroyed training room.

With a crushing grip, Fury walked the twins towards his office. The anger radiating from the Director should have been more than enough to shut the two up, but their stubbornness only got in the way. Lucas leaned back ever so slightly, glaring at his sister from behind Nick's back. Mikayla noticed his antics and shot him a glare that would have made anyone else drop dead. But out of nowhere, they were tugged forward roughly by their arms. And they tore their gaze from one another as they faced the front.

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