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“Where do you think you're going?”

“I am not going anywhere!” Yeonjun steps forward, blocking any possible way that could make his father spot Soobin, “Right dad, when did you come here? How did you know I was here? Is mom with you? You should've told me you were coming then I could've prepared somethi–”

“I wasn't talking to you, Yeonjun.” Said his father. Using that tone, the tone that indicates his pure seriousness. And he's also giving Yeonjun that look, he'd be crazy if he dares utter another word if his father's being that way.

What do I do? What do I do? I'm screwed. I'm screwed. I AM FUCKING SCREWED!

Soobin hesitates whether he should reveal himself or continue walking away and hopes that this older man would think he was mistaken. He's just standing there, at the hallway, still with two drinks in hands as he waits for the man's next move.

One more attempt of being brave and stupid, Yeonjun decides to speak up and lets out a nervous chuckle. “H-ha ha ha, dad. W-what are you talking about? We're the only ones in here, haha.” Mr. Choi raises his brow, his feet also start to take small and precise strides towards his panicking son.

“Yeonjun, I didn't teach you to lie, did I?”

And fuck this shit Yeonjun wants to get swallowed by the earth. Take his entire being away from him, please. He's begging you.


“Will you show yourself or we'll do this the hard way, huh? My apparent son-in-law ?”

There's only a single question lingering repeatedly in both of the males brain— "How did he know?"  but that question is now to be answered when another older man enters the scene. He walks with pride and authority in the way Yeonjun swears he had seen before. His face displays zero emotion and it's clear that there are hints of age though he still looks handsome— kinda like his dad but being the bias son that he is, Yeonjun would vote for his dad to be better looking.

The said man stops just beside Yeonjun's dad, he glances at the other doorway and speaks, “Choi Soobin, come out here.”

Soobin feels his heart stop beating for a second or two at the mention of his name, especially that it came from the person he deeply knew. He gulps, almost dropping both of the glasses before stepping forward and letting himself be seen.

“Dad,” he utters, so softly because he was feeling out of breath that it was almost like a whisper before gazing at Yeonjun. The boy surely looks like he's going to pass out any minute now. His skin is paler than usual and he seems to be out of it as he stares into a distance. Had he lost his mind? No one can tell.

“Take a seat and take your husband with you.” Soobin's father ordered, already sitting himself down on the couch, Yeonjun's father doing the same thing.

That statement works to bring Yeonjun back into his senses, he glances at Soobin with cautious eyes but the younger shrugs him off, too focus at the problem at hand to even try and give Yeonjun comfort. Not that he could comfort the older since he too, doesn't have any idea what to do. His brain he could always count on seems to be failing him right now and not functioning.

The two older men faced each other, totally aware of what their silence is doing to their sons. And after a moment of total eeriness except to the sound of their thumping hearts, their fathers decided to speak.

“We're aware of your reckless behaviours–”

“I can explain!” Yeonjun yelled, cutting Soobin's father off of his sentence. Amusement written to both of the men's faces as they watch the male struggle to be out of this mess.

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