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Days flew by and the atmosphere around the house changed noticeably. It grew a little tense and awkward since what happened on this one particular night. The two males just do not know how to act around one another that they tried to avoid seeing the other as much as possible. Kind of difficult if they're living under the same roof right?

Well, not really if you're them.

Given the fact that they're flat is one heck of a huge house, Soobin became busier these days that he mostly spends his time working on the office, leaving Yeonjun alone with the place all to himself.

Benefits them both if you'd ask them. They don't have to try hard in avoiding each other that much.

But honestly speaking, it would be pretty nice to have the other's presence around. Even though they're pretending to ignore each other.

Yeah, it's confusing for them too.

Not wanting to see them but also wants to be with them.

Now, that's the kind of shit these two are into.

The couch shifts under Yeonjun's weight when he lied down, trying to find a comfortable position. He's been staring up at the wall for 10 minutes straight now. He has nothing to do. And his mind has been occupied by this certain someone for days that he couldn't seem to focus on what he's doing so staring at the fucking wall is the most he could do.

It sucks.

Whatever, at least he got a reason to sloth around all day.

The world doesn't seem to work that way though. It doesn't go the way you want it to. More on like, you will go the way how the world wants you to.

So Yeonjun, get the fuck up and see whoever is downstairs trying to unlock the door.

But come to think of it, he and Soobin are the only ones who know about their passcode. And Soobin texted that he wouldn't be home until late, so who the fuck is outside that door?

Oh my god.

Is it perhaps, an intruder?

With that in mind and a rapid heartbeat, Yeonjun got up of the couch and grab the nearest item next to him to use as a weapon, just in case.

It just so happened to be a flower vase.

He could just throw it to the person, right?

Whatever, he's doing it now.

Yeonjun took his time to walk out the living room and into the hallway, a couple more steps and he'll be in the den, and at the front door.

He readied himself and raised the vase, casually waiting for the supposed intruder to step forward and come to light.

Oh, and there she comes.





The mother and child decided to spend a bit of their time at the backyard. They were seated inside the shed which was decorated with vines and flowers hanging around it, and Yeonjun's mom was just happily sitting there with a cup of tea in her hand.

Don't get Yeonjun wrong, he's glad his mother paid a visit but why?

After all the shits that had happened, he couldn't just believe it was out of nothing. Like there's a certain purpose why she's there.

Oh my god. He can't even trust his mom now wtf that ain't right.

"Hey, mom?" he speaks out, finally finding the courage to ask his mother. The woman hums in response, "I don't mean to sound rude or something but, why exactly are you here? Is there something you want me to do?"

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