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After my bath I head back into the room as Caleb walks out "I got to go but I will see you tonight?" I nod and smile "ok." He kisses me and walks out the front door. I start getting dressed and as I finish the doorbell rings "just in time!" I head towards the door and see Abbie answer it "Lina? It's for you!" I smile and walk downstairs "thank you." I see Melissa standing at the other side off the door "well hello there. Dirty dog." I roll my eyes and open the door for her "it's not like that." She follows me upstairs and nods "course not!" She closes the bedroom door behind her and smirks "ok so tell me everything!"

I sit down and stick my earing in "nothing too tell? The house got attacked by these men so I have been staying here." She laughs sarcastically "wow! Back up. What?!" she sits beside me and shakes her head "they came in?" I take a deep breath and nod "they killed James and then it turned out I thought he wasn't dead but it was his twin brother and he tried to shoot me. I went back this morning to get a few things and the money in my safe but I'm not sure how I will get the rest of my things never mind the whole house back." She smirks and nods "want me to call my Uncle Andrew?" I shake my head and scoff "no!" I stand up and shrug "I will just try go back when I need more money and clothes but I got $40.000 so that should last me for a few months." She smirks and raises her eyebrows "months? Days more like." I roll my eyes and grab my bag "I have my emergency credit cards too so I will be fine." She shrugs and follows me out the bedroom "well if you do go back then don't go alone. Take me ok?" I smile and nod "deal."

We walk downstairs and I look at her "order a taxi?" She raises her eyebrow and smirks "no phone?" I shake my head and laugh nervously "I had to get rid of it. I think my Uncle Mario thought they would be tracking me?" She laughs nervously and shakes her head "you called Mario?! I must be bad." I nod and smile "I can't get ahold off my dad and I didn't know what else to do but I will get a new one tomorrow." She walks towards the door and nods "taxi is here." I follow her outside and we drive towards the club. Jamie is outside waiting already and he walks towards us and greets us. I look around and smile "no Steve?" He shakes his head and smiles softly "his grandma is in hospital so he is staying with her tonight." Melissa shakes her head and hugs him "go be with him. We can have a drink when she is better?" He nods and smiles "you're the best!" He gets into the taxi we got out and waves at us "hospital!" he closes the taxi door and it drives off.

"Then there was two?" I smirk and wrap my arm around hers "girl's night it is!" I walk towards the club entrance and we get inside and get lead towards a booth "your drinks will be out in a minute." I look at Melissa and smirk "drinks? You ordered a drink package?" She shakes her head and looks towards the woman carrying two bottles of vodka and mixers "no." She places them on the table and smiles "enjoy." She walks away and Melissa looks at the card "have a good night on me. Love Jordan x" I smile and hug her "he is so sweet!" She smiles and grabs two glasses "too a good night." She pours me a glass and I cheer hers "too you being born!" The rest of the night we laugh. Talk and have the best time. The drinks keep coming and we keep drinking.

Jordan and Caleb turn up just after 1 and me and Melissa are always wasted by then. Caleb walks up to the booth and looks around "where are they?" Jordan spots us on the dance floor and smiles "there!" They walk towards us and Caleb walks over as another man touches my waist and tries to dance with me "wow!" I turn around towards him and push him gently "personal space?" The boy laughs nervously and nods before clocking Caleb and Jordan behind me. I turn around and smile "heyyyyy!" I hug him and he laughs nervously and shakes his head "what was that about?" I shake my head and roll my eyes "some creep trying to touch me but I told him off." He smirks and nods "ok." He looks at Jordan and waves "I'm going to get her home but we still on for drinks tomorrow?" Jordan nods and waves "yeah." Caleb nods and smiles "let's go." He holds onto my hand and leads me out the busy crowd.

As we get outside I feel his hand get tighter but I think that it's because how busy it is and he doesn't want to let go. Until he gets in the taxi and that's when It all begins. He gets in the back with me and places his hand onto my leg and digs his nails into me. Trying not to scream and kick off I bite my bottom lip and deal with the longest journey back to his place. I get out the car and walk towards the front door and he follows me and opens the door. Without saying another word he walks upstairs and slams the bedroom door behind him. I sit downstairs confused about what just happened I find the courage to walk upstairs and open the bedroom door. I see him sitting on the bed with his back facing me "Caleb?" He turns his head slightly and shakes it "what?" I close the door and walk towards the bed "are you mad at me?" He scoffs and jumps over the bed and grabs me by the throat "mad at you?!" he pins me down on the bed and punches the sheets. Just missing my face. He shakes his head and I look into his eyes and see nothing but anger. That was the first time I realised he was no longer my Caleb.

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