2> Lost

242 15 4

// Her outfit is on the side

*Tuesday, Oct. 2nd 6:30 pm*


*Guitar Strumming*

I drove by all the places where we used to hang out getting wasted I thought about our last kiss how it felt the way you tasted and even though your friends tell me you're doing finee, Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you.....

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I turned it off and got out of bed.

I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a shower.

After that I picked out my outfit which was black leggings, with a loose all black shirt and a jean shirt with my black boots. I put on one of my favorite bracelets along with two other ones and a necklace.

I picked up my book bag and went downstairs, where I saw my mom in the kitchen.

I picked up a apple and took a bite and I kissed my moms cheek.

"Good Morning."

"Not that I'm complaining but why are you so happy?"

"Well to start, I didn't wake up on the floor or hear my ANNOYING BROTHER!" I said that part loud so he would here me.

My mom started laughing. "Okay."

"Hey, where is Chris anyways?"

"He hasn't woken up."

Thats when I got an idea.

'"Really?, I'll be right back."

I went up into my brothers room, when I got inside I made sure to be quiet so I wouldn't wake him up. I gabbed the pillow that was next to him and held it up high and hit him multiple times.


I was laughing so much because he fell of his bed onto the hard wooden floor.


I couldn't even speak because I was laughing so hard.

"What the hell Ash!"

I stopped laughing.

"Its payback, now put a shirt on and lets go, I'll be outside."

I walked out of his room and told my mom was going to be outside.

I sat in one of the stairs in front of my house and looked around my neighborhood while eating my apple.

I loved Chicago in the fall, Sometimes, only because the weather sometimes is really weird but its still really nice watching all the leaves falling from the trees. I looked at the bracelet I had on my arm I sighed, my dad gave me this when my parents got divorced he told me not to forget him that I'll see him soon. Along with a necklace that had a heart on it. I miss him so much. I looked up from my hand to one of the houses next to mine.

I saw one of my neighbors door open, they're actually new they just moved here I never got a chance to say hi. I got up from the staircase about to walk over when I saw Justin walk out the front door I quickly walked back up the stairs almost falling and i dropped my bracelet on the way. I opened the door to my house and crashed into my brother.

"Hey, I was about to go out lets go, are you okay?"

"Uh. Yea I'm fine sorry, I was going to throw away my apple."

I walked to the trash can and threw my apple away and went back to where my brother was standing.

"Lets go."

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