1 > The Start

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*Monday, October 1st, 6:26 p.m*


"Wake up Ash! we're going to be late!"

"Shhh, get out Chris."

I pulled my pillow over my ears so I would block out his annoying loud voice. I was satisfied when I didn't hear anything so I figured he left.

Until I felt a pair of hands on my feet.

I opened my eyes and realized I was on the floor.

"Hey!" I said standing up from the wooden floor of my room.

"Sorry sis, you didn't wake up, now hurry and do what girls do and come downstairs so we can leave for school."

"Ugh, fine, why are you so excited anyways?"

"Just get ready."

First day as a Junior in High School. I'm not excited as you can tell. Unlike my brother who is, probably because he gets to be in football and see his girlfriend, Zoe, at school.

My brother is around my age he's older by one year. Has brown hair like me and brown eyes.

Everyone thinks we're twins but if I had a say in it I wouldn't agree, we're the complete opposite; he's social, I'm not, he's very athletic, I don't play sports and we don't look alike.

I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I would lie if I told you I didn't get scared when I looked at my reflection, my hair was all over my face, the sleeve of my shirt was half way down my arm making it so my bra strap was visible. I looked gross.

I stripped myself from my clothes and got in the shower.

After I got out I wrapped a towel around me and walked over to my closet, I pulled out my bra and underwear and put them on.

I then got a pair of white jeans folded them up to my ankle and a grey loose crop top. The shirt I had on was long enough not to show my stomach, it was October but if you lived in Chicago the weather is crazy one day you can be dripping with sweat and the next day you have to come in layers of clothes. I walked to my mirror got my blow dryer and dried my hair. I put it up into a messy bun. I didn't put makeup on because I don't normally do unless it's a special occasion or I have to hide any pimples on my face. I put on my white sandals with a bow on them, got my book bag and walked downstairs.

"What took you so long?"

"Stop complaining and lets go."

"Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"No, I woke up on the floor."

"Get over it, bye mom!"

"Bye! be good in school, both if you!"

"Okay." we both called out.

I walked into the passengers seat of my brothers black Mercedes. I guess you can say we were spoiled but that's my dads fault. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 5, my dad moved out of the house after they divorced my dad started working at a huge business for a bank that one of his good friends owns so you could say that we get spoiled.

"So, are you excited?"

"Yea, sure."

"Aww, come on be more cheerful Ash, you're always like this."

"You're only excited because you get to see Zoe more."

"Well... I mean.. that's not the entire reason."

"Mhmm, sure, lets just hope you get good grades or coach is going to bench you."

"Yea, I know I hope so too, I can't afford to be benched this season, now put a smile on that face because we're here."

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