6> Questions

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I was getting up about to go inside when I felt his hand grab my wrist.

"Ashton, please just listen to me." He pleaded.

"What do you want from me?"

"Just listen, I only hit him. Because he punched me first I wasn't going to stand there and become his punching bag.-"

I cut him off.
"So you had to punch him until he was bleeding?, there was no point of fighting with him, he may have started it but you guys aren't five year olds, try being the bigger person next time and walk away."

I was about to walk inside when my curiosity roamed my head.

"Why did he say you touched Zoe?"

He immediately became stiff.

"You knoww.. Uhh.. I should really go.." He started walking backwards slowly.

"Answer me."

"No reason, I should really go home it's getting late sorry about today." he left me standing there still curious.
I went back inside up to my room. I changed into joggers and a tank top. I saw Chris laying on his bed looking up on his ceiling. I walked in and looked at him until he noticed I was in his room.

All he did was stare at me.
"Chris... are you mad at me?" I almost whispered it but I know he still heard me because he stood up from his bed walked over to me and hugged me.

"Of course not Ash," he said still holding me. "I would never be mad at you, just mad at myself for letting that ass-."

I started laughing.
He pulled away and looked at me with a confused face. "What?"

"I can't believe you let him get under your skin. It's been what 2 days? Chris and We did things we normally don't do. I cried more than I did in these 2 or 3 days than I would in a year."

He started laughing along with me. "Yea, I guess so, why did you think I was mad at you?"

"Well you weren't talking to me in the car, and I never got the silent treatment from you."

"I'm sorry, I was just kind of mad."

"Oh, why were you mad anyway?" Chris was about to answer when I heard my mom yell from downstairs his name.

"Yes!?" he yelled back.
No answer. Thinking she didn't hear him he said it louder."Yes?!"

"I think she wants you to go downstairs."

"Ohhh, that makes more sense."

He made his way downstairs while I went out of his room into my own.
I was completely confused as in why Chris got into a fight with Justin, but I decided to ignore it.

I walked downstairs and saw my mom on the phone and Chris in the kitchen looking at the fridge like he's trying to communicate with it.
"I thought she wanted to talk to you?" I asked Chris who gave his attention to me instead of the fridge.
"She just wanted to talk about my, this." He motioned towards his face that was pretty bruised up.

"Oh, does it hurt if I touched it." I poked his bruised jaw purposely. He slapped my hand away and held his jaw. "Yes!, it does hurt!" I laughed. "Okay." I sat down on the couch and flipped threw the channels.

"No you can't." My mom shook he head. She was still on the phone with who knows who.

"Just don't, ill handle it. I could take care of my own kids." she spoke louder through the phone.

Chris came in the living room and sat next to me handing me his orange so I would peel it for him.
"Who do you think she's talking to?" he asked. I shrugged. I handed him the peels and got half of the orange.

I laid my head on his shoulder while I ate my half of the orange and watched Bones. "You guys should go to sleep, its getting late."

I nodded my head and threw the peels Chris left on the table from the orange away. I kissed my mom on the cheek and went upstairs to my room. I washed my hands and my nails trying to get the orange out of my nail and the odor of orange from my hands. Once they were finally clean. I put my alarm on and plugged in my phone. I crawled into bed and wrapped myself with my warm blanket.


I haven't updated in so long. But I hope you liked it:) I know its short, sorry.

Also I need new books to read I was behind in all my books in my library and now I read them all so if you're a writer or just recommend a book comment the name of one:)

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