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Makiko was different from others.

Yet she was also a lot alike others.

She could walk.

She could speak.

She could communicate.

But unlike others, she had wings.

Wings that were given to her against her will. Wings that were crafted into her body by cruel scientists, not God.

She was not an angel....just a mutant.

Unwanted in the world and turned into an outcast.


Abandoned by the world.

She traveled around, flying when she could, amd walking when necessary. She couldn'blow her cover after all.

If that happened, then it wouldn't be long before the scientists would track her down, dragging her back into a life of pain, needles, and tests.

She would much rather put a gun to her head and pull the trigger before going back to that hell.

Not that she didn't have that thought here and there anyway.

But the point right now was to live. Dying was not on the agenda today or anytime soon. If anything, she was happy with being alive just to spite those who wished death upon her.

She shook these thoughts out of her head and looked forward, focusing on the scene around her.

She was sitting on a bench, watching those around her, before looking back at the paper in her hand.

On the slip of paper, was in address leading her to Shinjuku. There she wanted to meet up with someone from her past.

She never knew just how much her life would be different from now on.


[A/N]: Thank you anyone who is reading this. It really means a lot to me. Also, so, this fanfic will not have sex scenes. I'm in a relationship now and my boyfriend is very against me writing anything...innapropriate. Which is understandable. So if you came here to read lemons, well....nope. But anyway, if you are still willing to stick with me through this, it really would mean a lot.

Also, I do not own the image used or Durarara.

The Angel (an OC x Shizuo Heiwajima fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now