Chapter 1

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Dexter pov:

I didn't have a good day, far from it really. When I said my day couldn't get worse, the universe seemed to see it as a challenge.

First my 'loving' brother stole my breakfast claiming that he needed it more than me. My ever so attentive parents naturally didn't say a word and let it happen, it's not like I could have stopped him.

Second, school. Just school. Usually I loved school. I actually loved the work and the teachers. Unfortunately most if not all of the other students bullied me for being a geek and of course there was Steph.

I knew she was avoiding me all day, whenever I tried talking to her she ignored me so her friends wouldn't see her talking with geeky Dexter.

I knew her being nice to me was all a facade. She was only nice to me because I helped her with her homework.

I found myself walking towards the coffee shop Steph worked at after school, I reasoned she might be willing to talk to me if her friends couldn't see us together.

I knew no one from our school would step foot into the 'geeky coffee shop for losers', their words not mine.

I liked the place well enough, even if it had a weird name, 'Cyberspace coffee', what kind of name is that?

The shop was a mixture between a coffee shop and a comic shop, there was all kinds of merchandise on display.

With a small sigh I hesitantly walked in and looked around. It wasn't all to bad. Jt wasn't somewhere I would willingly spent my time, to many people for that, but it was nice.

The lights were low creating a calm atmosphere, the walls were the same colour as my computer screen. I felt at ease until the noise hit me.

The customers were loud, they were shouting about their favorite TV show or comic book, some getting into fights about one thing or another. The music seemed to be playing loud enough to make anyone go deaf.

I decided I was going talk with Steph get my coffee and leave.

When I looked towards the till I saw Steph was making coffee while someone else worked at the till. If I wasn't mistaken his skin was a light shade of blue.

I decided I wasn't even going to talk to Steph. I was going to get out as soon as I got my coffee, besides Steph was working after all. I would just annoy her.

I waited patiently in line not caring when someone cut in front of me. I was to scared to say anything, I kept my mouth shut until I reached the counter.

"So what would you like to drink, kid?" The very loud, very cheerful man asked making me huff annoyed at being called a kid, I was just short!

He was smiling like a lunatic as he held a coffee cup in his hand. Even though he seemed nice enough, he reminded me of the bully's from school, with his everything.

He was taller and clearly stronger than me. The way he towered over me was a little intimidating, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"I'm not a kid." I snapped, but he ignored me choosing instead to tell me about the coffee

"I heard the cappuccino is the best!" He shouted still smiling. I nodded not really sure what else to do, he was going to ignore whatever I said.

"Black coffee, no sugar." I said with a shrug "Please." I added in an attempt to sound nice.

"Now I just need your name." He said holding a marker to the coffee cup he was holding, I wasn't sure where he got it from, it seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Dexter." Steph said for me. He didn't seem to hear her. Someone decided the music wasn't loud enough and was now playing loud enough to make the building shake.

"What?" He shouted trying to be heard over the music. I opened my mouth to answer myself this time only for him to wave his hand dismissively

"Never mind, I heard enough." He wrote something on the cup

I stepped out of line so someone else could order while I waited for my coffee. Luckily someone turned down the music creating to some extent peace.

"Um, hi Steph." I greeted smiling warily, unsurprisingly, she ignored me.

I resisted the urge to sigh and leaned against a wall pulling out my phone

"Dexxy-" I heard and turned to look at Steph who glaring at the man coldly

"Dammit Frederick I'm not reading that." She practiced hissed at the barista, Fredrick, who just shrugged before turning to me.

"You can just call me Freakazoid." He said with a wink in my direction, I was confused and took the cup from an annoyed Steph

'you're a-dork-able' stood on the cup with small hearts. I'm sure I must have been as red as a tomato or the uniform Freakazoid was wearing.

I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or an insult, usually when I'm called a dork it was a insult, but this seemed almost like he was flirting with me, which was impossible. I'm just a geek after all.

Freakazoid pov:

I had a large smile on my face as I watched Dexxy practically ran away from the shop. His face completely red, causing me to chuckle while Steph looked at me unamused.

"You're going to get fired one of these days." She stated bluntly.

I snorted at that, I doubt I'll ever get fired. I was the owners favorite after all and besides I couldn't help myself, he was just so cute!

I could get a glimpse of his large brown, almost black eyes, since he was looking at his feet most of the time. His messy brown hair and his baggy clothes that just made him look so small! He was cute and the way his cheeks puffed out in anger was adorable.

I couldn't just let such a beautiful stanger go without making an impression! I couldn't let him forget me.

"He'll be back." I said confidently ignoring Steph who rolled her eyes clearly not believing me.

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