Chapter 5

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Dexter pov:

I reluctantly walked towards the coffee shop, Freakazoid said he'll meet me there since he skipped class to go to the coffee shop.

I entertained the idea of trying to figure out if he was planning anything, but since it's him I doubt it.

I didn't think he was capable of planning anything, not to be rude it's just a fact.

I walked into the shop and was confused when I didn't see him

"Where is he?" I mumbled looking around trying to spot him

"You made it!" I screamed and punched blindly, luckily he easily dodged my feeble attack

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack? You can't sneak up on people like that." I snapped holding my hand over my heart

"Sorry Dexxy didn't mean to scare you." He didn't look sorry if anything he looked like he was going to start laughing at any moment.

I huffed and pulled out my maths book slamming it on the nearest table

"Okay so what do you need help with?" I asked he blinked before looking down at the book

"Don't you want coffee first?" He asked his hands behind his back while rocking back and forth, I tried not to be annoyed, but I was failing

"Sure, I just want to get this over with." He pouted and pulled me into a hug

"You make it sound like you don't want to spend time with me." I pushed him away, but he didn't seem bothered by my bad attitude only sticking his tongue out

"I don't want to be your tutor." I grumbled annoyed while Freakazoid ran to the counter he grabbed a cup seemingly either not careing that it might be someone else's or he already made me one

He pushed it into my hands before sitting down grabbing the math book and holding it upside down

"Yeah! I'm learning good for me!" I snorted amused holding my hand over my mouth as I tried not to laugh at his antics and looked at the cup.

I expected another stupid pick up line, but saw nothing so I shrugged and sat down trying to ignore the disappointment.

It's not like I like him or anything, besides it was probably just a joke

Freakazoid pov:

I looked at Dexxy grinning he looked so cute and geeky while he held his hand over his mouth to hide his laughing or how he looked at the cup for a pickup line, but I had a plan that will have him swooning or slap me if he found out I practically stalked him at school, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him or me

I found out he was a computer geek so now that he was going to spend an hour with me I was going to try to show of my computer expertise which I learned by spending a lot of time on the internet and asking his teacher

Now time to impress and make him fall in love with me

"So Dexxy did you know the first computer mouse was built waaaay back in 1964 was designed by a chap called Doug Engelbert and constructed out of wood, yes wood." I said with a hopefully charming smile, no totally a charming smile.

"Interesting, now what do you need help with in math?" He asked, I decided this was the start to victory since he didn't sound grumpy anymore

"What's the thing with the triangles?" He frowned at me


"Yeah that." He took a large gulp from his coffee before opening the book to a page filled with triangles

"The average human being blinks around twenty times in a minute a computer user only blinks 7, but when I look at you I don't want to blink since you're so cute I don't want to look away." He chocked on his coffee some of it coming out his nose as he started coughing his face was a bright red, euther from his coughing fit or because of my comment

"Back to math." His voice hoarse and squeaky.

VICTORY! He's falling for my charm already, and that's just after a few minutes what will a week do?

"Do you have any pets?" I asked deciding I'll give him a break to catch his breath

"A cat, now I'm just going to give you a small test to see what you can do and determine what you can't." He said already starting to write

"Wanna hear a joke?" He glanced at me nodded once before going back to writing

"If cats knew what sin was they wouldn't even care." He froze

"Was that a Trigonometry joke?" I nodded

"Sure was!" I shouted

The rest of the time was boring, he gave me a test and teached me stuff, I tried to pay attention and lighten things up, but it wasn't helping

I'm starting to feel like a cat, duck Trigonometry


Sorry for being away for forever, but if you have ideas on how you want this to continue tell me

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