Chapter 3

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Dexter pov:

I took me four days before I found myself back again. Hopefully he won't be here. I'll just talk to Steph, if she acknowledged my existence, get some coffee and leave without another incident.

Unfortunately this couldn't happen, Steph wasn't even here today. It was just Freakazoid and some guy I've never seen before.

I was tempted to just leave then and there, but naturally that was impossible. He just had to notice me and start waving at me with a large smile on his face causing everyone to stare at me a few whispering to themselves.

In an attempt not to have a panic attack or freak out thanks to him acting like a mad man, I decided to pretend I didn't notice him.

This decision like most of my decisions did not end well for me

"Dexter, hey Dexter, Dexxy over here Dex!" He shouted jumping around and waving so reluctantly I turned to look at him and gave a small wave so I could stop this madness.

The other customers continued to stare and whisper and I entertained the idea of running away from my problems like I usually do. Instead I stepped in line and waited patiently till I got to the front. I wouldn't be suprised if he hunted me down if I tried to run.

Freakazoid was shouting at me the entire time I stood in line. I wasn't even sure about what at this point. He changed topics without warning and it was making my head hurt trying to keep up.

It's not like it was important. He was babbling random nonsense. It did cause a few customers to abandon ship, something I should have done the moment I saw him.

Unfortunate because of the customers leaving I reached the front of the line faster than I wanted to. At least I didn't have to order. He shoved a coffee cup into my hand the moment I reached the front looking proud of himself.

"I remember your order from last time!" Was he incapable of not shouting? I mean I don't think I ever heard him talk like a normal person.

"Which is a miracle since he can't remember his name most of the time." I had to stifle a laugh at that not wanting to be rude and turned to look at the guy who said it

I couldn't really make out how he looked since he had a hood covering most of his face, it was kinda creepy, but I chose to ignore it and introduce myself

"I-I'm Dexter." He raised his eyebrow unimpressed

"Really? I had no idea." He said sarcastically making me blush in embarrassment. I heard an annoyed huff and saw Freakazoid pouting

"Jack." The guy, Jack, said introducing himself looking almost amused at how Freakazoid was acting. I couldn't really be sure. I could hardly see his face.

I had no idea what to do or say so I nodded once and decided leaving would be the best option right now. Seeing as how Freakazoid was looking at my cup expectantly.

I was almost relieved when someone shoved me aside telling me to fuck off and quickly left with a short goodbye

"See you later Dexxy!" I heard Freakazoid chirp from behind me and started to walk faster. I forced myself not to glance down at the cup sure there was once again going to be a stupid pick up line on it. it could wait until I get home.

Freakazoid pov:

I was starting to worry Dexxy wouldn't come back. I was worried I scared him off, but here he is or was anyway.

I watched as he left. I was hoping to see his cheeks go red after reading the pick up line, but he didn't even look at the cup. I was worried he'll throw the cup away without seeing it, but quickly dismissed the thought.

I know he'll love it! I wrote 'I don't know anything about the stars unless they're the ones in your eyes'

"I told you he'll be back." Jack snorted, he was convinced I was being a freak when I told him about Dexxy, even trying to convince me I'll never see him again, but that was blasphemous.

I smiled happily as I continued to work

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