chapter 7

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Dexter pov:

I was biting my lip, feeling anxious as I waited for Freakazoid unsure what to do.

I was wearing a blue suit like he asked. I magically managed to make my hair not resemble a birds nest. I didn't look great by any means, but I didn't think it was to bad either, it could be worse. I could have a blue eye from Duncan punching me, something I luckily avoided.

Finally someone knocked on the door making me run towards the door in recorded speed.

As soon as I opened the door, flowers were once again shoved in my face by an over excited Freakazoid, who was unsurprisingly wearing the ugliest red suit I've ever seen, but he managed to make it work, his hair appeared to be combed which was a suprise

"You look amazing." I squeaked out unsure how to manage my emotions

"You don't look to bad yourself Dexxy, but our chariot awaits!" He shouted as dramatic as ever dragging me towards the strangest car I've ever seen, it fit him perfectly.

Freakazoid was talking the entire time, occasionally stopping to ask for my opinion on things, but he usually didn't stsy on a subject long enough to ask questions so mostly I just nodded listening to him talk or trying to at least all I could really find myself doing is smiling at him like a ignoramus and nodding.

I was confused when we passed the school

"Freak, proms that way."


"Are we going?"

"Nope!" Well that didn't help

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked warily, he snorted repeating his previous answer sounding delighted

Eventually we stopped at the coffee shop, I raised my eyebrow at him, he got out of the car

"My good sir." He said holding put his arm for me to take

"Why are we here?" I asked curiously as he opened the doors, the place was empty. Music was playing softly in the background while a disco ball that wasn't here before was placed on a table

"You hate people."

"Hate's a strong word." I muttered blushing, he waved his hand dismissively at me

"You wouldn't have liked bring around a lot of people, you barely tolerate our classmates."

"Very true, but hey!" I felt offended at being called out, especially by the guy who avoided everyone so he could spend time with me

"Can I have this dance?" He smiled at me bowing dlightly as he offered me his hand, I blushed taking his head nodding dumbly, I don't think I'll ever get used to his behavior

Graceful was not a word that could be used for our 'dancing', he was overly excitable so was spinning me around more than anything else and I constantly stepped on his feet whenever I was on the ground, so I ended up just muttering sorry every few seconds.

I yelped when he dipped me, I promptly fainted when he kissed me.

Freakazoid pov:

I blinked suprised at Dexter who fainted, I snickered amused happy I decided to bring him here instead of the prom.

I might have been banned from going to prom after trying to set up a banner and confetti cannons and the fireworks might have taken it to far, it was a miracle Dexxy didn't find out about it, but to be fair, he usually spent his time doing his work and ignoring our classmates

I smiled when Dexxy woke up, he was staring at me wide eyes

"You kissed me."

"Yes, I brlieve that's how most show their love." He blinked at me making me think of an owl or maybe a cat

"You love me?"

"I thought that was obvious?" I raised my eyebrow at him

He started to fidget looking at the ground making me feel more nervous the longer the silence dragged on

"Can you kiss me again?" I heard him mumble his face a bright red

I grinned grabbing his face pulling him closer

"Are you going to faint again?" His cheeks instantly puffed out in anger and embarrassment

"No I'm not." He said pouting, I snickered amused before kissing him, he didn't faint this time which was good

"So, um, this makes us boyfriends right?" He asked shyly when I pulled away

"Yup, now you're never getting rid of me!" I shouted hugging him as he snorted looking amused

"Good, because I don't want to lose you."


Not my best work, if you have ideas on how to improve the story please tell me, but yeah this is the end

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