Chapter 2

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Dexter pov:

I was walking home as fast as humanly possible. I was sure my face was still burning a bright pink from what happened at Cyberspace. My hair must have looked like a birds nest, more than it usually did anyway, with how much I've been tugging at it.

I was still clutching the coffee cup like a life line, even though I couldn't even make myself look at it.

When I finally got home I rushed upstairs to my room. I hoped to avoid my family or force being caught by Duncan. I locked the door so no one could burst in unannounced before sitting in front of my computer.

I slowly and carefully put the cup in front of me. Finally I looked at the cup or more importantly the stupid pick up line written on the cup. I once again started blushing in embarrassment.

I wasn't even sure if this was his attempt at trying to flirt with me or if he was just trying to embarrass me. Considering how my life was so far it was probably the latter. He was probably just bored and thought my reaction to the pick up line would be funny.

I considered just throwing the cup away away and simply forget it ever happened, but I couldn't make myself do so. Instead I finished the coffee, which was actually pretty good, before putting the now empty cup next to my computer. I glanced at it every now and then while I did Duncan's homework.

I was so distracted he was probably going to get a lower mark than usual. I will probably end up getting a few new bruises my parents will ignore.

I couldn't help it. My mind kept wandering back to Freakazoid. It was proving itself be almost impossible to get him out of my mind. Even when I started with my own homework, I couldn't focus.

I came to a decision not to go back, it will help me in the long run. All I had tk do was not go back. Easy.

If I didn't go back, he couldn't embarrass me again, so I wouldn't have to worry about it or him ever again.

I'll have to find a new route home of course so I wouldn't walk past it everyday. I could always get my coffee from somewhere else, it wasn't the only coffee shop after all.

I could always just make myself coffee at home, sure there will be a bigger risk of being caught by Duncan. I've been avoiding him my entire life so it didn't really matter.

I'm sure it can't be to difficult to avoid Freakazoid. It's not like he's at my school. The only place place I could run into him is the coffee shop. If I avoid the coffee shop, I avoid him.

The only reason I even went to the coffee shop in the first place was because I wanted to talk to Steph and it was clear she didn't want to see me or talk to me.

I can totally do this. I was a geek and by definition I was anti-social. I didn't like people or noise. It's not like it would really effect me or my nonexistent social life, if I avoided him. It wouldn't be that difficult, right? I can totally do this. Hopefully

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