Chapter 4

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Dexter pov:

I ignored the teacher as she talked about a new student or the way the girls were saying he was hot. I was to busy thinking about Fredric or Freakazoid as he preferred to be called to really care.

I've been avoiding the coffee shop like the plague to scared I'll meet him again to even consider going back, but of course the universe just couldn't let me avoid him in peace, no that would be to easy.

"Dexxy!" I heard a high pitched squeal from the front of the class before I was pulled into a hug. I tried to ignore the looks I got from the other students, most of which were glaring at me

"Hi." I said my voice sounding meek even to my own ears, Freakazoid only smiled looking like Christmas came early or he got a new computer before sitting in the desk next to me, forcibly shoving the person who used to sit there out of their seat.

"I haven't seen you in a week!" He clearly didn't understand the meaning of an inside voice or not attracting everyones attention.

I looked down fidgeting feeling embarrassed with how everyones eyes were on me

"I was busy." I muttered which wasn't a lie, after my last failure of staying away I decided to distract myself with a new project on my computer

The teacher told us to quiet down before going back to the work, which was work we already did and which I already knew and memorized so I found myself struggling to stay awake, if it wasn't for Freakazoid staring at me I probably would have fallen asleep by now

"Does everyone understand?" The teacher asked I nodded and said yes, most of the students nodded or said yes, but it was drowned out by Freakazoid shouting

"I understand nothing!" The teacher wasn't amused by this and turned to look at me. I felt my stomach filling up with dread

"Dexter why don't you tutor him." I nodded knowing it wasn't a request, but a demand

"Yes ma'am."

"Yeah! Dexxy's going to tutor me!" I had to stop myself from hitting my head against the desk.


"So why did you move to our school?" I asked in an attempt to stop the stream of nonsense flooding from Freakazoid's mouth he blinked once before smiling again

"I was homeschooled, but my parents decided I needed to go to school, make friends and not spend all my time at work or home, oh look a puppy!" I watched as he dashed off towards a dog, why was it even in the school? It must be the librarians.

I stayed where I was for a moment before reluctantly following Freakazoid who was being bitten by the pup, but he didn't seem to mind if anything he seemed to think it was a sign of affection.

"So, um where would you like me to tutor you?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck feeling awkward.

I tutored a few other students before, most didn't want to be seen with me so they told me where to meet them and after that they never spoke to me again

"The coffee shop dummy, I have a shift after school and then you can just tutor me there." I nodded once annoyed by him calling me a dummy, but didn't say anything

"That way you have an excuse to come to the coffee shop everyday." He said grinning and pulling me into a hug, the pup instantly ran away now that Freakazoid was distracted

"Good for me." I said warily resisting the urge to sob, this wasn't going to be so bad. Probably.

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