All & more - Nat x Reader

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Here's a Natasha imagine I had in mind because she's my ultimate lesbian crush and I'd kill to have her tie me to a door and slam it repeatedly.

And also because the girl I like is leaving town next week and it's really sad cause we were just starting to get close. (We kissed multiple times last week and when I think about it, it makes me all nice and fuzzy and warm inside hehe).


Warning: Smut, Lesbianism and berries.

You sat in the Quinjet, bouncing your legs up and down. You were extremely jittery and nervous yet an odd spread of excitement was growing in your stomach. You wiped the sweat from your brow.

You'd just made it back from a mission by the skin of your teeth.
And yet here you were, barely able to recall what you did today (the contents of which included saving the world several times) all because of her.


You knew you were attracted to her from the moment you saw her at your first briefing. She was confident, the air around her always radiating some sort of anonymity and danger that drove you on edge in the best way possible. She was a mystery that you wanted to uncover so bad, in both ways mental and physical.

The first mission that you shared with Natasha Romanoff felt like it was a blessing in disguise. It was a trip to Nevada for a simple file transfer, short and sweet. The hungry stares and sly flirting the two of you shared did not go unnoticed that night. After that, you couldn't help but find excuses to see her, touch her, feel her soft voice grace your ears and watch her full lips curve in that wicked smirk of hers.

Whether it was how you always inched closer to her even when you both were just centimeters apart or how she always ended up straddling you during sparring sessions, the tension between the two of you soon became unbearably thick.

You tried holding yourself but you couldn't help it. Having her come and sit in your lap during a inexplicable game of Truth or Dare only heightened your lust and before you could stop yourself, your lips were sinking into the porcelain flesh of her neck.

Her long auburn hair, which was curly that day, shielded everyone else of your doings. She mumbled a quiet 'oh god' under her breath and titled her head to the side, giving you better access and biting her lip so hard she thought she would draw blood. Your teeth grazed her pale skin and by the way her hand tightened around your thigh, she was enjoying it.

After a few more moments of tasting her neck, you latched off and wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her back so both of you were lying comfortably against the couch. No one seemed to question it.

She later pulled you to the side later that night and made an arrangement for you to meet in the third Quinjet parked for an 'additional training session'.

You'd figured what she'd meant by the way she winked over her shoulder as she left, biting her lip.

So here you sat, awaiting her arrival, still dressed in your stealth suit, your cheeks flushing warm and your breathing getting labored when your mind wandered to depictions of what would happen tonight. You chewed the skin around your thumb in thought but stood up as you heard the sound of clicking steps enter the Quinjet.

Natasha's boots clomped against the steel floor of the flight vehicle in an even ricochet. She finally appeared in your line of sight, glancing around before spotting you and making her way to where you stood. She smiled at you as she walked over, a sweet smile that made you want to jump her bones like never before.

"Hey," She said, stopping and standing in front of you. Her eyes surveyed you, trailing at the swell of your cleavage, stopping at your waist cinched tightly with a combat belt and back up again. She licked her lips.

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