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A/N: Based on a headcanon about bucko and steeb hehe

You spun around, fixing Natasha and Bucky with a glare as your hands rested on your hips.

They'd been doing this thing for weeks and it almost drove you to insanity.

Right now you three were shopping for groceries and they did it again!

Every time you three were in a group, the pair walked behind you, muttering things in Russian. You knew they were talking about you because you'd caught your name in the midst of their conversations more than enough times and you were sick of it.

"What is the deal with you two?!" You cried.

"We're just conversing about ice cream, Y/N," Natasha said softly, "Relax,"

No they weren't. They were talking about how they would both love to have threesomes with you and Steve. But you didn't know that.

"ReLaX," You mocked Natasha once you turned your back onto her and heard her sigh in return, continuing your journey to the Spinney's parking lot.

"она действует так незрело (she acts so immaturely!)" You heard Nat say to Bucky and you grunted under your breath.

Not only did it give you the worst anxiety when they spoke in Russian because you had no idea what they were saying but it also made you insanely jealous.
Bucky was yours even if you both weren't official, he'd already confessed his feeling for you and you both often slept in the same bed.

"да, но я люблю ее и плюс, посмотри на эту задницу (yes but I love her and plus look at that ASS)" Bucky replies and honestly, the feeling of envy was eating you up on the inside, "я не могу поверить, что все это будет моим сегодня в постели (I can't believe that all of this is gonna be mine in bed tonight)," And you saw him gesture to you through your peripheral vision.

You sigh and make a mental note to start learning Russian, as you unlock your G-Wagon and wait for Bucky to set the bags inside it.

He leans in close to your ear, his lips brushing against your ear lobe and you squirm from the pleasure, "Are you jealous, doll?" He says softly and you can practically feel the smirk on his face. You pull away and bite your lip unintentionally.

"Very," you say huskily and his eyes darken dramatically with lust as you slip into the car before you both start then and there.

"я думаю, у меня есть леди boner (I think I have a lady boner)" Natasha mutters and Bucky throws his head back in laughter as you grip the steering wheel tighter to control your anger.

It was your 7th week learning Russian and you were very proud of yourself. By now you'd started picking up little words and phrases and the rest of the sentence, you managed to put together.

You'd uncovered that most of Natasha and Bucky's conversations consisted of them talking about your ass and the way Bucky spoke about it, made you smirk so hard you thought you might become him.

Some of the things he said were so filthy that you bit on your tongue and turned crimson, wondering how the hell he could talk so freely about things like that and made a mental note to take a shower. A cold one.

The thought of having Nat agree with most of the things Bucky said about you was a mix between being totally hilarious and kinda sexy, making it funnier that you knew what they were saying.

You'd decided that you'd make the big reveal and get it all on tape. They'd say something in Russian and you'd respond to it too. The looks on their faces, priceless.

You slipped into your covers, dressed in only a hoodie that you'd stolen from Tony's 'comfy clothes' basket because it was so soft. You and Bucky had just taken a bath together and he walked out of the washroom, his hair deliciously wet and the towel barley clinging to his hips revealing a muscles torso you couldn't get enough of. You were almost sad to see him put on clothes and slip into the bed next to you.

He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him and you nestled into his chest, your right leg resting between both of his. He held you close and only then you realized how tired you were as your eyes fluttered closed and you became subject to his warmth.

"Goodnight, doll," you heard him say as he yawned and a few minutes later, he was already out cold, his hold loosening but still firm on you as he snores softly.

"Goodnight," you mumbled back and fell into slumber, enwrapped in the arms of the man you loved.

You shifted in your sleep as you heard soft whispers enter your bedroom. You turned your head to see Bucky, his mouth parted and eyebrows furrowed.

He was talking in his sleep again.

"не заставляй меня, не заставлять меня, не заставлять меня, не заставляй меня, не заставлять меня, не заставлять меня," he mumbled, seemingly repeating the same phrase over and over again. He seemed like he was in a lot of pain and you pulled him close.

"Bucky?" You whispered.

"не делай меня, пожалуйста,"

Your eyes widened as you realized what he was saying and you felt your heart ache.

Don't make me, Don't make me please.

You shook him hard, trying to wake him up but he wouldn't. He kept repeating the phrase and you felt your throat grow tight. Beads of sweat collected at his forehead and tears were running down his cheeks as he thrashed around in bed

"пожалуйста, не делай меня (please, don't make me," He exhaled one more time before he shot up, fully awake. His chest was heaving up down at a rapid pace and you sat in front of him, your hands cupping his face.

"Hey," you whispered, "Hey, its alright," you assured him quietly as he let out a strangled sob, pulling you into his arms. His head rested in the crook of your neck and you stroked his hair, your own cheeks wet with tears.

"Shhh," you said, your voice wavering and waited for him to calm down. Then slowly you began singing to him softly in Russian. You knew that he held a strong intimacy to the language and the songs were what you'd first learnt when you started your Russian course.

Even though your singing was off-key, it slowly lulled him back to sleep.

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